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Master Chef
Oct 19, 2013
Southeast US
I have a frozen package of baby octopus. 3 of them. I have no idea what to do with them. I have had grilled octopus before and I really liked it. But its to cold for grilling.
The package says to boil for 90 minutes then proceed with recipe. That part is easy.
I need some ideas. What would you do with them?
Bring the water to a boil and put the octopus in. When water returns to full boil, set the timer. A sampling of the octopus is a good idea. It's delicious! I would follow a deep seafood recipe.
After 90 minutes of boiling, they are done. Season up and enjoy!
I was hoping to do something more. Like a sauce with them? Maybe broiled with olive oil and S&P. Hot pan, garlic, olive oil? Or a longer cooking method like for pasta sauce with octopus?
Thank you.
90 minutes!!!!!!!! Sounds like shoe leather
What I have always heard is either cook it forever or cook it quickly. That there is no in between. I have seen it grilled fresh for just a few minutes to brown/char it up real good.
We shall find out.
I have never cooked octopus, but I have been told that octopus must be cooked hot and fast or for a very long time. I don't know if it is true.
This is what I have been told. It is frozen and the instructions say to boil. I'm not sure if its any good. Its not American, its imported (Indonesia?). So who knows. Yet.
According to my fish monger, it's true. Boil away as per instructions and then incorporate into any of the tasty sounding recipes you see! You won't be sorry. (I hope)
Romesco goes very well with octopus. After boiling them, let cool and then give them a hard sear to caramelize. Then serve with the warm Romesco sauce.
I have thought about (but still haven't tried it) cooking octopus, as well as squid, in sous vide. Here's an article that discusses many ways to cook it, including pressure cooking and sous vide (down at the bottom). I figured that it may tenderize them with a long cooking, like with tough meat cuts.
I have thought about (but still haven't tried it) cooking octopus, as well as squid, in sous vide. Here's an article that discusses many ways to cook it, including pressure cooking and sous vide (down at the bottom). I figured that it may tenderize them with a long cooking, like with tough meat cuts.
Off topic question: how did you get it to put that preview? It didn't do that when I shared that link.
@taxlady I just copied the address, when reading that link, then on here, I just held my finger on the screen under what I had typed in, and then "paste", and the address came up, but when I hit "post", the link, with more than just the address came up on the post. I didn't do anything different - just what I always have. And I didn't even realize that was the same link you had posted above - I just went there, when I remembered finding the info for the sous vide cooking for a bunch of things.

@Kathleen Glad to hear you had good luck with that! I was also planning on grilling, or searing in another way, after the sous vide.
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@taxlady I just copied the address, when reading that link, then on here, I just held my finger on the screen under what I had typed in, and then "paste", and the address came up, but when I hit "post", the link, with more than just the address came up on the post. I didn't do anything different - just what I always have. And I didn't even realize that was the same link you had posted above - I just went there, when I remembered finding the info for the sous vide cooking for a bunch of things.

@Kathleen Glad to hear you had good luck with that! I was also planning on grilling, or searing in another way, after the sous vide.
Thanks, I'll try just pasting the link instead of using the link icon. We'll see what happens.
I have thought about (but still haven't tried it) cooking octopus, as well as squid, in sous vide. Here's an article that discusses many ways to cook it, including pressure cooking and sous vide (down at the bottom). I figured that it may tenderize them with a long cooking, like with tough meat cuts.
I bought a sous vide immersion cooker last summer. Sounds like a plan. Thanks
Like Pepperhead, we make ours in the sous vide too, but usually finish it on the grill. It always comes out awesome.
Thanks. I have baby octopus. Do you cook them whole? Question is both for sous vide and grill.
Thanks, I'll try just pasting the link instead of using the link icon. We'll see what happens.
Yes, just copy and paste into the "reply" field. The forum controls do the rest.
The new forum software has really made things a whole lot easier around here. Remember all the steps we had to go through just to post a photo? Video?
Now we can just copy the link and let the forum controls do the rest. I think it even resizes the photo as well. I know most all up to date forums do.
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