Who's Trying to Lose Weight?

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My BMI is 6. Kind of a shock, but that is what it is. I am guessing, I never weigh myself and turn my back when my dr does, that I must have lost 30-40 lb to get to a size 6/4 on the bottom. I am still a 12 on the top because I have large bones. Designer dress size I am a size 8, but that's not the true size. I go by whether my clothes fit. I don't care how much I weigh.
The 'issue' is that there is only 1/8" to 1/4" 'pinch' on my ribs and back, stomach. I am guessing my BMI is higher, perhaps my Dr. was making a joke.
CWS, I was never a fan of hearing comments about my sexuality or attractiveness from my father either. It's so inappropriate for a father to say those things to a daughter. Sorry to hear that.
CWS, I was never a fan of hearing comments about my sexuality or attractiveness from my father either. It's so inappropriate for a father to say those things to a daughter. Sorry to hear that.
My Dad is very critical of me. The things he says to me, I would never allow anyone else to say. Living with him is very, very, difficult. I could live with my Mom forever, but somedays it is a good thing I don't know where the shells are to the shotgun--patricide or suicide crosses my mind. When he is really bad, I ask if he found a dead body. I found my brother dead. He had been dead for 3 weeks. So when Dad says he is stressed and can't cope, I give him a reality check.
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I can't imagine how difficult that is to be living with him. Has he always been this way or is this new behavior, the beginnings of dementia or something? Not that either way makes it easier to live with. I'm sorry.
I hate humid weather. I bought a bunch of swimkinis and tops from Land's End. My Dad calls them my hooker clothes. I told him hookers don't wear Birkenstocks--don't have white go-go boots.
Me in one of my "hooker" outfits.


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You look great, cute outfit.
One of my "hooker" outfits. Don't think Land's End would agree. I told my Dad yesterday if he ever spoke to me again the way he has, I was leaving and taking my Mom with me. He knows I will do it. I have my dr. in Ontario on-side to care for my Mom and an immigration lawyer ready to do what needs to be done so I can bring her back to Canada. I don't like playing that card, but I would never put up with how my Dad treats me if my Mom weren't in the picture. He is not physically abusive, just verbally.
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I told my Dad yesterday if he ever spoke to me again the way he has, I was leaving and taking my Mom with me. He knows I will do it.
You put down a clear boundary for him. I hope that works. Sometimes with some people, that works. Usually if they are sane and not disordered, it works.:LOL: It would be easier if you could instead just ship him off to Fiji.
You put down a clear boundary for him. I hope that works. Sometimes with some people, that works. Usually if they are sane and not disordered, it works.:LOL: It would be easier if you could instead just ship him off to Fiji.
Or Norway. He fell off the lawn tractor on Tuesday.
Ouch! If he didn't fall off and lose part of a foot or hand, that's good. But how do you fall off a riding lawnmower? (I'm not looking for an instruction manual on that) ha ha
I have moved from round to egg shaped with the heavy part on the top. Go figure. I tell DH I am saving tons of money. People pay lots for breast augmentation and Brazilian butt lifts and all I do is cook and bake. Today I am saving a lot.... peanut butter cookies and chocolate chip cookies.
I started time restricted eating in July. I only eat for an eight hour period every day, except weekends and holidays. I have lost about 14 pounds, so far. Most of it seems to be coming off my stomach and waistline.
I've been working on losing weight since earlier this spring. I haven't really done anything different...except...I drink an 8-oz glass of water as soon as I get up in the morning.

I read about this concept some time ago and the water before eating is supposed to "jump start" one's metabolism. Not sure, but since I've been doing this I have lost nearly 50 pounds and am still losing. I haven't really changed my eating habits but, because I'm aging, I do eat less.

My goal is to lose another 40 pounds in 2020 and I think it's realistic.
Congratulations everybody. Wishing us all continued success in 2020.

I'm down about 60 pounds, most of it in the last 6 months. Maybe 30 more to go.

6 mos weight loss 2019-12-26 180704.jpg
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