What is this sauce?

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Senior Cook
Nov 9, 2020
In an Indian restaurant i saw a customer dipping his Indian bread in a sauce that was of light brown color. I wonder if it was Tikka Masala or something like that. I should have asked.
It might well have been Imli (Tamarind) chutney, which fits very well with fried snacks like samosas, pakoras, etc.
It might well have been Imli (Tamarind) chutney, which fits very well with fried snacks like samosas, pakoras, etc.

The two sauces that are almost always brought to the table as a condiment to the meals at the Indian restaurants I go to are a tamarind sauce ( brown and liquid) and a mint/ cilantro chutney (green and thick/ pasty).
The two sauces that are almost always brought to the table as a condiment to the meals at the Indian restaurants I go to are a tamarind sauce ( brown and liquid) and a mint/ cilantro chutney (green and thick/ pasty).

Same two sauces for me. But, sometimes the tamarind sauce is a bit thicker than other times and I usually find that the cilantro-mint sauce is on the thin side, but not watery.
The two sauces that are almost always brought to the table as a condiment to the meals at the Indian restaurants I go to are a tamarind sauce ( brown and liquid) and a mint/ cilantro chutney (green and thick/ pasty).

To the OP: Its tamarind sauce

We are usually served three sauces here: tamarind, mint/cilantro chutney and a red chile/onion chutney.

Reminds me that I havent had Indian food in forever....
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