What are the best pan sauces or gravies you can freeze in small batches?

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I once tried to quick cool a bottle of wine in the freezer. It got forgotten, froze and the bottle split open...

Remember that wines are usually only around the 11 to 13% alcohol. Only the water freezes. Not the alcohol.
Water expands when frozen.
I have like six bags of frozen wine in my freezer. Its pretty solid.

Forget the ice cube tray about anything and just use a ziplock.
never thought of freezing wine.. this is an interesting idea and i can finally make use of my ice cube trays..

by the way. alcohol consumption is not necessarily healthy in any amount. i read about it this month..
in the past they thought it is..
I freeze Grandma's spaghetti sauce with two meatballs and an Italian sausage link in single serving containers, then on spaghetti night (usually Tuesday) I thaw one out and boil some type of macaroni to go with.
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I tried freezing stock in a zipper bag. I much prefer my "pucks". I have an old silicone muffin pan that I use for freezing stock. I really prefer reaching into my zipper bag full of stock pucks and taking however many I need. My stock pucks are about 100 ml each.
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