Water kimchi

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Master Chef
Feb 20, 2011

Finally got my water kimchi started. It's Napa cabbage, daikon, Asian pear, green onions/scallions, and garlic. The brine is water, salt and a little bit of sugar. It will ferment for 2 to 4 days at room temperature and then will go into refrigerator for about a week.

We'll have it as part of the banchan in a Korean meal.

I used the recipe from Kimchi Chronicles.
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Finally got my water kimchi started. It's Napa cabbage, daikon, Asian pear, green onions/scallions, and garlic. The brine is water, salt and a little bit of sugar. It will ferment for 2 to 4 days at room temperature and then will go into refrigerator for about a week.

We'll have it as part of the banchan in a Korean meal.

I used the recipe from Kimchi Chronicles.
Looks good. I may give that a go.
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