Monday April 22, 2019 is Earth Day...

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Master Chef
Jan 19, 2017
Just a "heads up," Monday is Earth Day. Got any plans?

Well, you can plant something, like a tree. Or, you can clean up something, like some litter that thoughtless people tossed out of a car. Or, you can decide to park your car and walk to the local store.

Our Earth gives us everything we need to survive. Earth Day is a good day to give something back, and maybe develop some new habits.

Remember, if millions of people make small changes, it does WAY more than a few people making big changes.

I am going to re-focus on planning my errands so I can do as many as possible in one efficient trip, and not drive my car any more than I need to. I've kind of gotten out of that habit. I also plan to take a trash bag with me when I take psycho-poodle for a walk, to pick up sh-t people mindlessly toss out of the car window -- something I shouldn't need to do, but should do anyway.

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Make short trips on a bike. According to studies, "Half of all trips are three miles or less, but fewer than 2 percent of those trips are made by bicycle, while 72 percent of them are driven. Private vehicles like cars, pick-up trucks, and SUVs, account for 60 percent of trips of a mile or less."

Unfortunately, parking a bike can be a challenge. When I take my bike to the grocery store (2.5 miles away), there are acres of parking for cars, but I have to hunt around for a pole to lock my bike to.
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