How to make pre-marinaded baked tofu crispy

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Oct 10, 2018
I bought some pre-marinaded baked tofu and wonder if I can fry it or bake it to make it crispy.

Via Edit: If I use the pre-marinated tofu for a sheet pan dinner, how long can I cook it?
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Is the tofu coated? as with breadcrumbs? Are you worried it will melt into the rest of the meal? Other than being chilly internally, you can't undercook tofu.
Is the tofu coated? as with breadcrumbs? Are you worried it will melt into the rest of the meal? Other than being chilly internally, you can't undercook tofu.
It isn't coated. I am wondering that once marinated can it be baked or fried crispy?
Once it is 'marinated' isn't going to make the difference between crispy or just browned.
I don't use oil so I don't get crispy tofu, I get a drier tofu with a little browning (baking). 20 minutes on each side at 350 deg F on parchment.
Almost all the recipes whether baking, air frying, pan frying, use oil to coat it, to get crispy tofu. Good luck.
I agree with Bliss. I dont think the marinating will play a role on whether it gets crispy or not.
The only way I've gotten tofu to get truly crispy is by coating with corn starch, or pan bread crumbs and frying. I've fried un coated tofu in oil and also baked lightly oil coated tofu. They get firmer, a more chewier outside and tender inside , but never have gotten that crisp factor. The longer you bake or fry, the more the chewy aspect will penetrate the tofu. Ive also lightly oil coated marinate tofu, put it in a panini press, and ' fried ' it that way.
I agree with Bliss. I dont think the marinating will play a role on whether it gets crispy or not.
The only way I've gotten tofu to get truly crispy is by coating with corn starch, or pan bread crumbs and frying. I've fried un coated tofu in oil and also baked lightly oil coated tofu. They get firmer, a more chewier outside and tender inside , but never have gotten that crisp factor. The longer you bake or fry, the more the chewy aspect will penetrate the tofu. Ive also lightly oil coated marinate tofu, put it in a panini press, and ' fried ' it that way.
Thank you for the info
I agree with Bliss. I dont think the marinating will play a role on whether it gets crispy or not.
The only way I've gotten tofu to get truly crispy is by coating with corn starch, or pan bread crumbs and frying. I've fried un coated tofu in oil and also baked lightly oil coated tofu. They get firmer, a more chewier outside and tender inside , but never have gotten that crisp factor. The longer you bake or fry, the more the chewy aspect will penetrate the tofu. Ive also lightly oil coated marinate tofu, put it in a panini press, and ' fried ' it that way.

+1 on the corn starch. It's the best way to get tofu crispy if you're not going to squeeze out the marinade and/or excess liquid.

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