Cherry puree/syrup?

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
blissful, I keep thinking about your Cherry puree.

Do you have a general recipe you follow for your cherry syrup/puree?

When our local cherries come in I'd love to try some. Pounds/cups of cherries needed per jar?

I also have a large container of Plum puree that I froze last year. Then the sale came up and they stayed in the freezer.

Anyone have suggestions for making something wtih them?
Dragnlaw, 4.5 quarts of cherries, 1 cup of lemon juice, 2 cups of honey, cook it down into a puree, it made 13 1-cup jars. You may have to guesstimate the quarts of cherries to 1 cup jars. They are sour cherries, with lots of water in them.

You can do the same thing with the plum puree. I have nectarine puree, green grape puree, black grape puree, strawberry puree...really any fruit that will work with the above recipe, fruits that go on sale. Right now I have 14 lbs of peaches ripening in the kitchen to dehydrate and can in puree form.
Thanks blissful. I really have to find my way to the Farmer's Markets here now.

One in Hamilton is supposedly quite big (indoor) and there's another just out of town that's even bigger.
Dragnlaw, I hope you find some good cherries. Sometimes, I add some apples to the puree to give it more body. Either way, it still is wonderful!
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