Baking Pan Size Conversion

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Janet H

Certifiable Executive Chef
Staff member
Jan 17, 2007
Pacific NW
I occasionally have to get out my calculator to figure out what size pans to use. I've finally wised up and written it down - thought I'd share....

baking pan conversion chart.jpg

Here's a nice (and larger) version you can print as well:
View attachment baking pan conversion chart.pdf
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Janet, that is a VERY useful tool. Is there any way to make it larger? I can't get it to zoom much on my screen. Am I just being stupid?
yes - reread post first - I added a downloadable pdf - nice and big ;)
Smooch! I didn't see the PDF. Much better! I might actually print that baby and put it up in the cabinet for easy reference.
Thanks, Janet! That is very close to the chart I have - made partly on my own, and from other sites. I have printed this.

As for temperature changes, I find that if I go beyond 10 inches round and/or 2 inches deep (some of my cakes are 3) I drop the temp to 325 F otherwise it is at 350 F for most baking.
I am making a corn pudding to bring to a friends house for Thanksgiving. The recipe calls for a 1 1/2 quart dish to bake it in. i am doubling the recipe. I think i can use a 9x13 pan. Think this will work?
Smooch! I didn't see the PDF. Much better! I might actually print that baby and put it up in the cabinet for easy reference.
I just printed it out. It is readable,

I did print it out. It is readable, but make sure you have your reading glasses on. The print is larger than Janet's post. Worth keeping right there on your fridge.

Thanks Janet.
I did print it out. It is readable, but make sure you have your reading glasses on.

I clicked on the chart in the original post. As you describe, it is very small print. But then I clicked on her link to the pdf document and printed that. It neatly fills an 8½ x 11" sheet and is much more readable.
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