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  1. J

    Ice cream making

    Thank you for that advice. LOL I've already made 3 Spanish omlettes and a lemon meringue pie! Coconut macaroons sounds good.
  2. J

    Ice cream making

    Now that I making ice-cream I'm accumulating egg whites! What else can I use egg whites for apart from lemon meringue pies?
  3. J

    Ice cream making

    I just tried using my Main Marie and it worked well. However a word of caution! I was using my laser temp gun to measure the temp on the top of the mix which was quite frothy. I thought that may be the froth is a lot cooler than the liquid. So I checked with my meat temp probe and found it was...
  4. J

    Ice cream making

    I think I have found a way to accurately maintain the correct temperature. I'm using a 1.2L Bain Marie and I can control the temp to 74ºC. I'll let you know if it works OK.
  5. J

    Ice cream making

    That's quite possible because I turn the gas up high to quickly bring it up near the correct temp then turned it down. I think next time I will set the it so the simmer plate is just a little above the target temp and then just leave it to gradually warm up. It will take a while to do that.
  6. J

    Ice cream making

    LOL don't worry I'm pretty good at confusing stuff myself! I'll go with 72ºC next time although I was using 70ºC! I have a gas hob and I was using the smallest hob with a simmer plate on top! So I don't know what went wrong. I'll persevere and try again. The main thing is that the ice cream is...
  7. J

    Ice cream making

    Thank you for the suggestion. I checked the thermometer against my own body temp which was 36ºC. This is normal. I then checked against my freezer thermometer and it is also the same -10ºC. So my laser thermometer is accurate. Maybe I let it cook for too long. Is the object not to cook the yolks...
  8. J

    Ice cream making

    Hi, Yes that now makes sense! I've actually just moved it from the machine to the freezer now. It looks OK but I will wait until its frozen to check it. However what the curdling? Was that to be expected and if not what is the purpose of putting it through a strainer/sieve?
  9. J

    Ice cream making

    Also I don't understand you cooling instructions. Where do you store until fully cooled if not in the fridge?
  10. J

    Ice cream making

    Thank you for this recipe. I very carefully followed your cooking instructions. I never let the teperature go above 70ºC (170F) and kept it stirred for 5min. However it looked like it had curdled! I passed it through a strainer and forced it through with a spoon. See my photo. this doesn't seem...
  11. J

    Ice cream making

    I adjust my recipes so that they will make 1L of ice cream. I stated by making a mixture of 1.5L which after churning slightly overfilled the machine and could get a bit messy. Now I will only make a mixture that will produce 1L of churned ice cream.
  12. J

    Ice cream making

    Thanks for the warning! I usually fill the cup/spoon and then weigh it in grams.
  13. J

    Ice cream making

    LOL! I too have a Cuisinart machine! I forgot that there were a number of recipes in it. Thanks for reminding me. I bought a small freezer just for ice cream because it had a manual thermostat which would go up to -11ºC. My regular freezer's maximum temperature is -18ºC which makes the ice...
  14. J

    Ice cream making

    Thank you for the advice.
  15. J

    Ice cream making

    Thank you all for tips and advice. The problem with using a book of recipes is that you can't ask a book questions! OK I agree that its a good idea to perfect one recipe first. Then try others. Is there a rule of thumb about adding flavours using a vanilla ice cream as a base? I'm thinking about...
  16. J

    Ice cream making

    Thank you for the recipe and I will have a go at it. Can I assume that once the custard is made then I can add any flavors I choose? I do a lot of baking and like to be very precise about ingredient quantities. I avoid using cups, teaspoons etc. I like to use grams for everything so I use the...
  17. J

    Ice cream making

    Thank you for the temperature advice. I'm a beginner at making ice cream so I just followed a recipe I found in a book about ice cream making. I imagined that the cornflour helped thicken the custard. So why do you think it was included also are you saying I don't weed to use cornflour. If...
  18. J

    Ice cream making

    Thank you for your speedy response and explanation. In my case it was definitely cooking too long! I'll be more careful next time.
  19. J

    Ice cream making

    I started to make some ice cream using full cream milk, egg yolks, cornflour and sugar. I just about got to the point where it was cooked in a Bain Marie when it started to curdle. The photo shows the result after I added some cocoa powder however it was curdled before adding the cocoa powder...
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