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  1. J

    Sick stomach after cooking chicken

    Thank you for all the replies. I will improve my meat handling and I have already procured a thermometer. It's been pork chops for the past few days, but chicken legs tonight. I'll cross my fingers!!
  2. J

    Sick stomach after cooking chicken

    I would add for anybody who reads this that this whole time I've assumed ovens work by convection. In other words, it doesn't matter if you cook 1/2 lb of chicken of 2.5 pounds, the temp and time are the same. But usually I cook 2 pounds at a time
  3. J

    Sick stomach after cooking chicken

    Question for more experienced cooks about cooking chicken. Recently, I've been cooking a lot more as I'm solo and trying to save $. One of my usuals is chicken thighs. There have been a number of occasions where I have woke up in the morning feeling stomach sick, and have moderate diarrhea...
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