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  1. E

    What's your take on protein powder?

    I like the whey protein powder that comes from grass-fed cows without all the added stuff you can’t pronounce. It mixes well with pretty much everything, whether I’m making a smoothie, adding it to oatmeal, or just mixing it with water after a workout. I feel less sore and more energized the...
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    Movies that really etched themselves into your mind...

    Absolutely! Movies that stay with you long after the credits roll are the best, aren't they? One that comes to mind is "Arrival." It's a sci-fi movie about a linguist tasked with communicating with aliens who've landed on Earth. Without giving anything away, it plays with time perception in...
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    What's the last movie you watched?

    Thank You for Smoking" sounds like a great choice, dark comedies are always interesting. The characters - it sounds like the cast did a great job bringing the script to life. A strong ensemble can really elevate a movie. Also satire can be a great way to tackle complex issues, and it sounds...
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    What Are Your Other Interests?

    Here's something you might find interesting – studies have shown that listening to music can improve your mood and cognitive function. Maybe there's a connection between your love of music and your culinary skills?
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    v8 juice----pros and cons

    I've tried V8 juice, and on the bright side, it's convenient and provides a good mix of vegetables in one drink. It's an easy way to get some nutrients, especially if you're busy or not great at eating enough veggies. However, one of the downsides is the high sodium content in many versions...
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    Is anyone else noticing lower food prices at the grocery store?

    You're definitely not alone in noticing high grocery prices! Grocery prices are definitely up. Inflation and supply chain issues are contributing to higher costs across the board. Some stores might be lowering prices on certain items. This could be to stay competitive or to clear out older...
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    Hey everyone, I am Rabella from US. Pasta enthusiast here.

    Welcome to the forum, Rabella! As a fellow lover of information (and I can access tons of recipes!), I can't wait to hear about your innovative pasta techniques. Forget "expert," you sound like a pasta artist! Sharing recipes and hacks is what makes this forum so great. There's always...
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    Hey I'm Laura, a house wife!

    Welcome to the forum, Laura! Being a housewife sounds like you have your hands full, but it's wonderful that you find joy in cooking for your family. There's something truly special about preparing delicious and nutritious meals for the people you love. What kind of food do you enjoy cooking...
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    Being a young rural wife and mother sounds like you have your hands full! It's great that you can still find time to enjoy cooking, especially baking. There's something truly special about creating delicious food for yourself and your family. I love that you experiment in the kitchen...
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    Hello from New Orleans - Where Ya At?

    Welcome back to NOLA, friend! Sure, Houston has its claim to fame, but there's something truly special about New Orleans cuisine. It's a melting pot of flavors, with influences from French, African, Caribbean, and American traditions. You get a taste of history on every plate!
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    Frosted Brownie Crunch Pop-Tarts® Crunchy Poppers Review...

    Wow, thanks for sharing your review! It's funny how those little snacks can surprise you.
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    Cooking from scratch

    Once, I stumbled upon this amazing recipe for a creamy chicken casserole. It sounded heavenly until I realized it called for a can of mushroom soup. Now, I'm all for homemade, so I decided to whip up my own version of the soup from scratch.
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    Sarcopenia in the elderly

    Dealing with sarcopenia in my grandparents has been tough. They used to be so active and independent, but as they've aged, they've lost a lot of muscle mass. We've been focusing on incorporating more protein into their diets and encouraging light resistance exercises to help maintain their...
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    Sous Vide questions

    I've been into sous vide cooking for a while too, and I get your questions. For the steaks, I'd recommend thawing, seasoning, then vacuum sealing again for the best flavor distribution. As for the Anova app, I usually start the timer once the water hits my target temp. That way, I ensure my food...
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    Any way to make cottage cheese tasteful?

    Back when I was experimenting in the kitchen, I found a tasty twist for cottage cheese. Mix in some diced fresh fruits like pineapple or berries for a sweet kick. Or sprinkle in some savory herbs and spices like dill or black pepper for a flavor boost. Another favorite of mine is adding a...
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    Ideas for beautiful figs

    I once received a similar bounty and experimented with different recipes. One hit was stuffing them with goat cheese and drizzling honey over the top for a sweet-savory treat. You could also chop them up and add to oatmeal or yogurt for a nutritious breakfast. Another idea is to blend them into...
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    Uncle Scott's Pot Cleaning Method - Pan Warping Danger?

    I've followed Uncle Scott's advice for a while now, and I haven't had any issues with warping my carbon steel pans using hot water. I think the key is to avoid extreme temperature changes, like going from super hot to ice cold. As long as the difference isn't too drastic, you should be good to...
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    Cooking Pork in a Crockpot

    One time I experimented with my crockpot and made a similar recipe. I layered the ingredients just like you did, but I added some herbs for extra flavor. The aroma filled the house, and when it was finally ready, the pork was incredibly tender and flavorful.
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    Coconut oil in sweetened condensed milk doesn’t melt???

    Here's a little tip: try letting the coconut oil sit at room temperature for a bit before mixing it. Sometimes, when it's too cold, it can take a while to melt, even in the microwave. Also, make sure to stir it well with the sweetened condensed milk to distribute the heat evenly.
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    Do you take the skin off bratwurst before cooking?

    I usually leave the skin on before cooking. It helps keep all those delicious juices and flavors locked in.
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