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  1. J

    Can I make popcorn in an air fryer oven?

    I recently bought a grill basket for my HYSapientia air fryer, and I want to use it to cook popcorn. I've done it with a pan in the past, but never in an oven. Has anyone ever used an air fryer to cook popcorn?
  2. J

    Can I use the air fryer to make porridge?

    I recently moved to a new apartment and haven't bought a pot yet, I was wondering if an air fryer can make porridge?
  3. J

    Squashed Rolling Grill Basket

    I received my new rolling grill basket yesterday. Unfortunately, it was completely squashed. Have you ever purchased similar accessories? How are they packaged?
  4. J

    Can a convection oven make chicken pie?

    I'm trying out more possibilities with my convection oven or call it an air fryer, I've tried roasting a whole chicken in it and it's not bad. But I don't know how to make chicken pie. Can someone give me some hints
  5. J

    Has anyone used a convection oven?

    Hope to gain some experience if this post is seen。 I bought a convection oven from HYSapientia on Amazon, I'm relatively new to the brand, but I bought it after seeing a low price discount, has anyone used it?
  6. J

    Has anyone used an air fryer oven that is different from a convection oven?

    我尝试了几种不同品牌的空气炸锅,包括对流烤箱。我每天都在用,上个月我买了一个HYSapientia空气炸锅烤箱,但是我现在不是很熟练,因为它和对流烤箱不同,你不能像对流烤箱一样使用它,但我喜欢它的十个功能。有没有人有什么建议? I have tried several different brands of air fryers, including convection ovens. I use it every day, last month I bought a HYSapientia air fryer oven, but I'm not very proficient...
  7. J

    Has anyone bought a convection oven from HYSapientia?

    I purchased a HYSapientia convection oven from Amazon a month ago and am currently exploring more of its features. Does anyone have it or have you bought any other convection ovens?
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