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  1. debbie24

    How would you use these?

    Thank you again Mimizkitchen, I had to start thawing so I took out the steak. I think it will go well with the rest of the dish. BTW the chicken tenders are not breaded, I like the taste of tenders over breast so thats what we use the most. Thanks again, cant wait to have dinner tonight :).
  2. debbie24

    How would you use these?

    Mimizkitchen thank you for the quick response. Have a change, I cant get to the pork chops, I could have sworn we have some down in the freezer but cant seem to find it. I have steak I can grill, do you think I can grill the steak then cut in strips and serve over the pepper mixture & orzo...
  3. debbie24

    How would you use these?

    What would you do with these ingredients? Chicken tenders or Pork chops Fresh mozzarella Tomatoes Bell peppers or mini sweet peppers Mushrooms Portabello or reg white Fresh baby spinach White wine I was thinking of making a mushroom orzo side dish to go with the chicken tenders or pork chops...
  4. debbie24

    Substitute for Cream in this recipe (scones)

    Wow you're quick! Here's a pic of my chocolate chip, sprinkled with regular sugar. I also just patted it out. oops sorry so big. Should have added more chocolate chips, ahh next time.
  5. debbie24

    Substitute for Cream in this recipe (scones)

    I would have liked them a bit sweeter so with the kiddos choco chip batch i did sprinkle some sugar on top. They are yummy tho!
  6. debbie24

    Substitute for Cream in this recipe (scones)

    1 batch in with evap milk, waiting to see how it is before doing the choco chip batch. Isnt 1/3 cup sugar too little? I'm wondering if it will be sweet enough. Its my 1st time making scones. Thanks for the replies, I can always depend on this forum.
  7. debbie24

    Substitute for Cream in this recipe (scones)

    Selkie I have dried cranberries! I can't wait, been craving scones for over 2w now. I may do some with chocolate chips for the kiddos.
  8. debbie24

    Substitute for Cream in this recipe (scones)

    Wyogal the condensed milk is sweetened
  9. debbie24

    Substitute for Cream in this recipe (scones)

    I don't have any cream, what can I substitute for the cream in this recipe? I have evaporated milk, condensed milk, whole milk. Alton Brown Scones Thank you, was hoping to make it this morning.
  10. debbie24

    ISO Seltzer Lemonade Recipe

    I visited one of hubby's cousins last week and she made lemonade with seltzer & she didnt seem eager to share the recipe so i'm turning to you all. She mentioned simple syrup and all i know after that is its lemon and seltzer, not sure if she added water also or if it was just straight lemon...
  11. debbie24

    Strawberry lemonade

    oh also how many servings would you say this recipe was?
  12. debbie24

    Strawberry lemonade

    hey quick question, if i wanted to add seltzer to this would i completely sub the seltzer for the water or would it be 1/2 and 1/2?? Thanks for sharing the recipe, sounds delish!
  13. debbie24

    Looking for TNT Frozen Meals Recipes

    Kadesma thank you for the marinade info. The butter would normally sound very good and i know its just due to pregnancy that it doesnt so no worries, thank you for the suggestion.
  14. debbie24

    Looking for TNT Frozen Meals Recipes

    Thank you all for the suggestios, i hope they keep coming! Kadesma since the marinade has lemon juice I wouldnt be able to long term marinate meat with it right? Is this only recommended for 1hr. Also the herb butter sounds like a great idea but right now in my pregnancy state it sounds...
  15. debbie24

    Looking for TNT Frozen Meals Recipes

    I'm expecting my 4th child and cooking everyday is becoming a huge chore for me. I'm looking for some good recipes where I can cook a few things one day and freeze for the days I dont feel up to cooking and also at the end of my pregnancy I want to make some meals ahead for once the baby...
  16. debbie24

    Peru Green Spaghetti

    i know this thread is old but thought i'd come back with an update. I still havent tried any of the recipes yet but def plan on trying 1 today. I spoke to x-sil lastnight and this is what she told me but no measurements. spinach basil (a little more than the spinach) cream cheese a little...
  17. debbie24

    Gingerbread Cookies

    Alix thanks for posting this recipe. My 5yr old has been bugging me to make gingerbread cookies, i doubt he will eat them (very picky) but he just wants to help make them. Ok so where can i find molases and about how much does this recipe make? Thank you, cant wait to try it.
  18. debbie24

    Hardly Homemade Mac'N Cheese

    I'm stumped for dinner and since we have very little around here i'm thinking about trying this. I have some steak thawing for the grill and needed a side so would adding a few strips of bacon (or chopped pieces) to the top of this and then baking it for about 15mins work? Would i have to cook...
  19. debbie24

    What can I do to get a lighter bread??

    It definitely got softer after it cooled and i put it in a plastic bag but still tough. I have a therm in my oven because it does run hotter than the dial says so i always go by the therm in there. I really do need to get an internal temp therm, i just keep forgetting. I have 2 but they are...
  20. debbie24

    S'More Cake

    have you seen this site? looks like s'mores heaven S'mores Recipes also found this one S'more Snack Cake Recipe | Recipezaar and this one S'more Cake Recipe at and finally Recipes : S'Mores Cakes : Food Network you have alot there to play with, please come back and share...
  21. debbie24

    What can I do to get a lighter bread??

    JoeV i tried your bread that night and i'm sorry it took me so long to get back here with my results. I like the bread alot, was it supposed to rise alot? It rose above the pan but didnt rise any more during baking. The crust is a bit too crusty for us, it was a bit hard and i think its the...
  22. debbie24

    What can I do to get a lighter bread??

    I was also looking over there and on the unbleached flour it says unbleached wheat and on the regular it says bleached wheat and on self rising it says enriched bleached wheat but on bread it just says wheat. LOL no idea, i'm confused. Thanks so much for trying to help me out, i'm guessing the...
  23. debbie24

    What can I do to get a lighter bread??

    Russ it doesnt say anything about bleached or unbleached as far as i can see. I'm using pillsbury best bread flour enriched and it says great for bread machines. This is it definitely not unbleached
  24. debbie24

    What can I do to get a lighter bread??

    RussellKhan it says enriched bread flour, does that mean unbleached??
  25. debbie24

    What can I do to get a lighter bread??

    ok quick question. must it be unbleached bread flour? I have regular bread flour and unbleached all purpose. I'll double check that but is it a must on the unbleached bread flour? TIA
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