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  1. HandsomeSwede

    Frozen Few 2011

    Butts are on, temp outside is 26 degrees. Wish it was a little colder actually, forecast to get above freezing today for the first time in weeks.
  2. HandsomeSwede

    Frozen Few 2011

    Temp for the start of cook time is forecast in the 20s. So far today we have had rain, snow, sleet, ice, mixed and a rumble or two of thunder. Should be interesting.
  3. HandsomeSwede

    Frozen Few 2011

    Forecast: 25 degrees & snow
  4. HandsomeSwede

    Frozen Few 2011

    I'm in. A double whammy as I will also have the pleasure of watching my Pack in the Super Bowl.
  5. HandsomeSwede

    Frozen Few 2011?

    I believe this is the host forum. When and how? I want in this year.
  6. HandsomeSwede


    Yeah, the NYS comps seem to have gotten the Dakais as KCBS Reps. I'm not sure why they do it since anytime I have dealt with them they seem inconvenienced by the whole thing. Can we make sure they are around for inspection? At Brockport they disappeared right at prime Brisket injection time and...
  7. HandsomeSwede

    Roc City Rib Fest, May 29 – 30, 2010

    The most competitor-friendly comp on the circuit just keeps getting better.
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