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    Indiana road trip

    I know that it's caused by calcium deficiency but from what I've been told by several tomato growers, the ground has to be warm enough to utilize the calcium and the problem is we haven't had enough warm weather this year. This has been the coolest summer on record for our area of the country...
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    Indiana road trip

    I can tell you didn't come through my part of the state (extreme northeast corner).......curvy roads with lots of potholes were no place in your description. lol Glad you enjoyed our state. In my area, vine ripened tomatoes are hard to come by. My 52 plants are not doing well at all and I've...
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    Show yerself!

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    Maiden Voyage of the Green Ghost & Sapo - Video - Pics

    I think that would be fun! Gotta love the cooler on the front of the truck!
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    Popeye's Fried chicken

    Wow, I haven't had Bojangles or Popeyes in years! I liked Bojangles a lot more!
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    Show yerself!

    Thanks! No, I don't have any more right now.......lost about 35 lbs since January so all my pics are of a much larger me. Still working on losing more and toning up.
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    Show yerself!

    I think I participated in one of these a few years ago. These were taken about a month or so ago.
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    For any interested where I been

    I'll be praying for your wife, you, and your family and friends as well as the doctors. I'm glad things are looking up now! My dad is going through the bi-weekly chemo right now and even with that, doctors have only given him maybe 2 years but without the chemo, they said only 2-3 months in...
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    Good advice for all men!

    BW, why don't you hop in the truck and drive to Indiana and see? just teasing! That's a good one!
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    Portable hot water heater

    When we went camping near MIS last year, the campground did not have shower facilities. Les's brother bought one of those two room tent showers and an on-demand hot water heater. It's propane and you just hook up a water hose to it. That thing worked great! We had people taking showers all...
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    How to eat

    Check out It's completely free and teaches you a new healthy lifestyle where you can eat what you want in moderation. I've been doing it since Jan. 9th, 21 lbs down now and I have tons more energy and feel better than I have in years. They have easy to use nutrition...
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    Christmas Gift Arrived!

    That's a nice gift! We bought some of the Jack Daniels chips on clearance a few months ago and loved them. Wish they'd had more available.
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    Also Yuck

    We lived beside my grandmother growing up and sometimes my sister and I would end up eating dinner at her house. Particularly if my mom made something we didn't like. One evening, she invited us to eat dinner with her. We had the leanest bacon I've ever had, delicious scrambled eggs, and...
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    Who remembers this day?

    I don't remember when it happened........I was only about 2 years old. My dad introduced me to "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" as a young child. It has always been one of my absolute favorite songs. I've read about this storm and wreck as well as watched a documentary. One day, I really...
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    New Holland PA Results

    Congrats to all!
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    Anyone else going to MIS this weekend?

    Oh yeah, the traffic was a nightmare but we had to pack up camp so just had to get back to the campground. Because of Les's leg, he couldn't walk from the campground to the stands but we borrowed a handicap placard from a friend so he wouldn't have to walk so far. He really, really needs to...
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    Best of the Best Niagara Falls NY Results

    Congrats Danielle and everyone! BTW Danielle, I met some people from somewhere in your vicinity this weekend. I can't remember the town they told me but when I asked them if they were near Barrie, they said it was within a 30 minute drive. Super nice folks!
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    Anyone else going to MIS this weekend?

    You know Puff, the race in person was nothing like what I expected. I did enjoy the campground after we started meeting people. I'd really rather just go for the party and take the satellite and tv to watch the race. I like seeing things up close and that race was boring. I ended up talking...
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    Charcoal Grill

    Stogie, I agree on the rusting. We keep ours covered as well but there's still some rust around all the screws. Nothing on the actual grill, excep the bottom shelf (wind blows rain/snow under the cover). We love the size. I can grill meat, veggies, etc. all at the same time with no...
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    Charcoal Grill

    We have that same grill from Walmart. We bought it last year on fall clearance for $59. We love it and have no complaints with it and that's without any modifications. We've had no problems with holding temps but we don't use it for smoking. That's what we have a smoker for. We use it too...
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    Anyone else going to MIS this weekend?

    Darn! I was really hoping to be able to get away and meet some friends for a bit. We're going with family and I'm dreading being with one of the members all weekend long. This is our first time going. It's my son's 9th birthday on Sunday and he's watched Nascar since he was just a few weeks...
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    Anyone else going to MIS this weekend?

    Sounds like fun, Bruce. If you're cooking, good luck!!!
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    Anyone else going to MIS this weekend?

    We're leaving tomorrow afternoon to camp at Ted's Campground in Brooklyn, MI and will attend the race on Sunday. On Friday, we're smoking a couple of butts and on Saturday will be grilling some chicken. Just curious if anyone else is going to be up that way.
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    Site issues

    Cappy, when I had Google Accelerator, it gave me a lot of invalid session errors. That was months and months ago and the reason we found when searching for an answer is an update to the phpBB software conflicts with the accelerator software. Apparently, it caused problems for a lot of people...
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