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  1. fried_green_tomatoes

    ISO cooking pork shoulder/pulled pork w/crock-pot

    I have a pork shoulder to cook in the crockpot and I've never made it before, I have seen a million ideas on Pinterest, and I have no idea what to do, whether to do a dry rub, add water, add a can of lost??? I need tips/ pleaassseee.
  2. fried_green_tomatoes

    Meal Ideas for Sick family member

    I'm looking for meal ideas to take to my parents. My mom hurt her back and has been down for the count for several days. They have a microwave and a stove top but their oven doesn't work, and I'm pretty sure my daddy hasn't been near a stove in years. I need some meal ideas that I could take...
  3. fried_green_tomatoes

    What are your faves?

    What are your favorite quick, fairly cheap and ready within an hour meals? I love making things from scratch but cooking for a lot of people I sometimes have to make what is going to feed everyone fast lol. My favorites: Chicken pot pie--rotisserie chicken or leftover chicken, diced carrots...
  4. fried_green_tomatoes

    What have you had for breakfast lately?

    I made some homemade potato salad yesterday and realized after cooking 5 lbs of white potatoes that I had cooked WAY too much lol. So I saved about 1.5 lbs and this morning took them out, diced them up and threw them in a pan with some butter. Diced up some smoked sausage, sweet peppers and...
  5. fried_green_tomatoes

    What's on the menu Sunday 4/23/2017?

    I have a ton of fresh veggies in the house, so I'm considering Chicken Ratatouille with a side of noodles or rice or some buttery, crusty french bread alongside. Wish me luck this will be a first try!
  6. fried_green_tomatoes

    Hello from Tennessee :)

    Hey, I'm Dee. I'm married and mother to two girls. I've been in the kitchen since before I could talk and started out by making ham sandwiches and helping my mama make banana puddin'. I love to cook and my specialities are southern style and I love to bake. My hubs is the master of mediterranean...
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