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  1. erehweslefox

    Sunday dinner 12/10

    So I am in a very good place grocery wise. I have both mussels and salmon. My mussel game is good, have broth, have leeks, we are fine. What can I do with a nice cut of salmon that is unique? It is snowing and I don't want to leave the house. I have lemons, a shite ton of garlic, but don't want...
  2. erehweslefox

    New Years Celebration, Camping style

    OK my cooking friends, this is a bit of a tough nut, but I think you are up to the challenge. I need a recipe for my new years dinner, but there are some considerations of course.... After another fine year in retail sales, I have decided this year to put all my holiday celebration energy into...
  3. erehweslefox

    Goat, Lamb's Cousin

    OK didn't quite know where to put this, obviously no goat forum. I really didn't think it belonged in game, so lamb was close. I feel most people cook goat similar to mutton. Started a couple months ago to go to a different butcher, who gets all kinds of fun stuff. (we are in Hatfield, PA, btw...
  4. erehweslefox

    We will not all sleep, but we shall be changed

    Hey friends, Looks like I am back. I had an interesting time away, due to some computer problems. I learned a couple of things, forgot some others. Thought I'd introduce myself again, given I've been gone for a while. I am a writer, living in Pennsylvania. I cook, bake, and am interested in...
  5. erehweslefox

    Please to the Table, Russian Cookbook- review

    So new cookbook, I just picked up "Please to the Table" an awesome Russian Cookbook, first published when it was the Soviet Union. ISBN is 9780894807434. Please to the Table Anya von Bremezen and John Welchman. What I like about this is that it is a comprehensive cookbook, but it knows its...
  6. erehweslefox

    New Years Party (after new years)

    So, beloved wife and I decided to have our holiday party on Sunday 1/8, after New Years. Turns out this was a popular decision, pretty much everyone we invited is planning on coming. So what started as a sit down dinner has turned into a large dinner party. We have a fairly big two bedroom...
  7. erehweslefox

    Eel pie

    So as many of my recipes, there is a story behind this. As you know, I spend a bit of time with my cooking researching medieval recipes. One thing that keeps coming up in English cooking is eel. My beloved Wife said at one time, while researching this recipe, 'I will eat an eel pie when Trump...
  8. erehweslefox

    Saturday 11-26-2016, what are you eating?

    Skipped dinner for an early morning breakfast, hitting the sleep for six hours, and in again for eight tomorrow. Every year I have been in retail I make this empty vow, THIS IS THE LAST HOLIDAY I WILL DO THIS. Black Friday wasn't that bad. I didn't take leftovers, just because I had a couple...
  9. erehweslefox

    On this Thanksgiving, Scout Law

    My friends, Thanksgiving is upon us. I wanted to wish you all the best. I am thankful that you are my cooking friends. It has been a true pleasure this year talking with you. I am an Eagle Scout, one thing I try to hold to is the Scout Law. It has twelve things, hope you will stay with me. A...
  10. erehweslefox

    Lunch 11/7/2016 - Thinking possible quiche?

    Beloved Wife is sick, and not at work, and I have the day off, but I have a limited pantry. We paid off some big huge bills, and are kind of broke until Friday, so working with what I have in the fridge and freezer. I have some excellent fresh farm eggs, which I want to let shine, so I'm...
  11. erehweslefox

    Let's Talk Turkey

    OK I'm surprised there is not a thread for this, must not have searched as carefully as I should. I think I have a new take. I just reserved a turkey from a local farm, and yes I have agreed to cook Thanksgiving Dinner (major stuff, I am a little bit nervous). So I've done a grocery store...
  12. erehweslefox

    Starch meets greens

    I haven't heard this term, but a friend, who is a very professional chef, after I had her over for dinner, said, 'you set a good plate, but you always seem to rely on starch meets greens'. It is telling, and I have to admit, for home cooking, this is the mantra I hold to, have a starch, have...
  13. erehweslefox

    Whole fryer chicken, need fresh ideas

    OK I know this has been done to death. but I'm wondering if you friendly cooks have a new take on doing a whole chicken. I tend to go with the engagement chicken recipe. If you haven't seen it it is basically salt, pepper garlic olive oil and lots of lemons. I just want to try something...
  14. erehweslefox

    Moving is Awesome!

    No, it is not. So after a ton of bruises, one 26 foot long rental truck (thing was a monster to drive), and WHY DOES MY WIFE WANT TO LIVE ON THE THIRD FLOOR, aside, we are in our new place. Everything is still in boxes. Damn boxes I hate them. But it is getting sorted. The good news is that...
  15. erehweslefox

    The Language thread

    Both CG and GG, Cooking Goddess and Got Garlic, suggested I start a thread on language. Well here it is. I tend to be quite precise on language, and as such adore puns, linguistic plays etc.... One does admit, I can be pedantic about it. Madam I am adam, Lets talk. TBS
  16. erehweslefox

    Smoked Beet Salad

    Smoked Beet and Spinach Salad 3-4 large beets 1 lb spinach one large red onion 8 oz feta cheese 8 oz cherry tomatoes 1 tbsp powdered mustard 3/4 cup cider vinegar 1/4 cup olive oil 1 tbsp ground black pepper 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp honey Peel and cut the beets in half, and smoke, using a Cameron...
  17. erehweslefox

    Barley, a thread about

    So I thought I might post a thread about my favorite ingredient. Barley. You might be familiar with pearl barley, or ready-to-cook barley (that is probably if you are in Britain), They all suck. Seriously, suck. Why is this? Well barley is a complicated beast, it really doesn't very much like...
  18. erehweslefox

    Lodge Cast Iron Dutch Oven

    Beloved Wife bought me a 5 quart lodge cast iron dutch oven for my B-day! I'm already getting excited planning some epic stews and soups, plus I have a chicken the the freezer that is just crying for some dutch oven time. Quite excited, any favorite recipes out there for the dutch? TBS
  19. erehweslefox


    I noticed we have a couple of threads going at this time about stretching your food dollar. As many of you know, I am a history buff, and often look to historical recipes for inspiration. pottage is the quintessential peasant food of Britain, and a good way to both recycle leftovers, and to make...
  20. erehweslefox

    Bread logs

    OK here is a good food for weekend backpack trips, or car camping, particularly if you are cooking for a group of people eating at different times. You do need a fire, this isn't a backpacking stove meal. The concept is make a pizza dough in the usual fashion. I'll give my version below. I...
  21. erehweslefox

    New Cookbook! Camp Cooking from the Forest Service!

    I am fairly excited, as I have a new shiny cookbook with a lot of ideas. I found this in a set of books celebrating the 100th anniversary of our National Parks. If you know me, I am all about the outdoors, hiking, camping, etc... so this has been a big year, given all the celebrations and...
  22. erehweslefox

    What does your Kitchen look like?

    While wife was away, I had to give kitchen a good clean, as I ate dreaded pork. She knows it but does not like porkish residue in house. So kitchen is in a rare state of something like clean and organized. Happy enough about it that I took pictures. Not quite 'ready for guests' clean, but I...
  23. erehweslefox

    I would like to eat a pig

    Sooo... Beloved Wife is out of town on business until Saturday. I cook for an audience, and it is her. But she is Jewish. I have not had pork in quite some time. Now I'm not cheating, and believe me we don't keep a kosher kitchen, Dear Wife is also from Maryland, so we had a negotiated...
  24. erehweslefox

    Test thread for uploading pics
  25. erehweslefox

    Peach pie

    At the market on Sunday peaches were fresh and looking very nice, so decided to make up a pie. As the peaches were fresh and beautiful, I made it as simple as possible, to let the peaches stand out! I use a crust from Dariana Allen's cookbooks, that I like as it is simple, and you don't have to...
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