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  1. C

    CC cooking on a budget in a small kitchen

    hi, today I mad a brekfast of, ready break, very cheap and nice to eat with some home madepear and pinapple jam that hubby made the other day from pears he got cheap down the super market and some tinnes pinapple. For lunch I made super noodles that I buy in bulk every 4 weeks when we get out...
  2. C

    CC cooking on a budget in a small kitchen

    I am glad you said that. I have a friend that has a great big kitchen, he lives on his own and lives on M&S ready meeals, fish and chips, chinese takaways. cuz it is easy. Needless to say he is overweight and has a bad heart. My kitchen might be small but my creativety is huge, and you make...
  3. C

    CC cooking on a budget in a small kitchen

    I have grown to love my small kitchen and I also buy portions of meat and freeze them in portions. I wrap them in cling film so they are sealed and don't get freezer burn, or small freezer bags I get cheap from £shop or similar shops. i have managed to learn to cook for 2 no, used to cook for 6...
  4. C

    CC cooking on a budget in a small kitchen

    Yes it is a slow cooker. We are on a budget and it is invalueble. Cook a lot of food in it. Curry turn out really good in it. I make curry with different sort of meat i have leftover or tofu. Hubby made me some more work space in the kitchen wihich is great. Have more space now even though...
  5. C

    What's for Supper, Friday, September 4th?

    We eat alot of vegan and vegeterian food because I am more or less vegan. Hubby don't mind it when I cook them for him he rather likes them. Today's dinner was a vegan soup with mixed stew grains, dried field mushrooms from last autum, that I soaked since the morning in tow different bowls...
  6. C

    What's for Supper, Friday, September 4th?

    since I am in the UK we have alredy had dinner. I cooked a vegan soup, Hubby had oxtail stew for main. and we both had rice pudding and glazed orange for desert.
  7. C

    CC cooking on a budget in a small kitchen

    Hiya BH i have a gas coker yes. WE had one when we moves and they had to re route the gas pipe so we could hook it up. Will take pictures of our dinners tonight. Estamated cost of our dinner tonight is about £2, yes for the two.
  8. C

    CC cooking on a budget in a small kitchen

    The pictures are of my kitchen where i do all my cooking. it is situated in a council bungalow in the UK. First picture is a view from the door with the washer and the kettle Secund picture is the gas cooker. Third picture is showing the larder i store all dry goods. Fourth picture is a bench...
  9. C

    CC cooking on a budget in a small kitchen

    Here is my kitchen and some recipies of low budget food
  10. C

    Hi from Essex UK

    I am going to tidy up my kitchen after breakfast and then take some pictures of where I do all my cooking.
  11. C

    Hi from Essex UK

    I'm sorry forgot the curry recipie. Was so tired yesterday after ahviing a cooking day i couldn't think. I have none of my recipies written down they are all in my data storage in my head :rofl: alternative chicken curry 50g of solid tofu 1 onion curry powder chilli (optional), depends how...
  12. C

    Hi from Essex UK

    Morning. I love cooking in the mornings since My hubby does a lot of work in the back garden on warm days he need a good breakfast. This morning I cooked some filets of fish, Spring greens a few chips (fries) I only had one of them hubby had a little bit more. For lunch I have put ona stew...
  13. C

    I Want to Lose Some Weight

    Before, I was sat down a lot and ate quite a lot. But then i changed my eating habbits and started just walking about a bit more. walking with my dog
  14. C

    Manners -- table and otherwise

    I do enjoy that show but I don't get too much over top or try not to anyways. I have the more down to earth hubby to keep me on solid ground and he is good as a weight, he is nice to hold on to when there is a storm :rofl: He is 6' and loves me to bits but he also thinks I am a bit over the...
  15. C

    I Want to Lose Some Weight

    that is all good advice, I can't do weights anymore due to athritis so have to find things in my daily life that burn calories. As you say dina portion size is very important, if you can't eat less use a smaller plate it works because you think you put more on your plate. eat with a smaller fork...
  16. C

    Manners -- table and otherwise

    This is an interesting thread. I was taught table manner at home because I grew up in Sweden. My mum had worked in a british hospital in her youth and saw it as a necessity to pass on manners at the table. We always ate together. no one left the table unless asking to be excused, only reason it...
  17. C

    I Want to Lose Some Weight

    Hi everyone. i have lots of will power. 2 years ago I was 11.5 stone=161 lbs to my 4'10 height. I had problems walking breathing and didn't feel good about myself. In 2 years I went down to 8 stone=112lbs, which is better for my height. the excersize i did was mainly walking taht you were...
  18. C

    Hi from Essex UK

    Ty for the welcome. yes I had a good cooking day today. Made some scones for breafast shhhh don't tell hubby he didn't have any meat for breakfast. :rofl: made it up to him for lunch and made a pea and ham soup, seafood and chicken paella, and my own recipe rice pudding. Cooking some oxtail...
  19. C

    Hi from Essex UK

    oh dear. daddy, you sprung that on me now :rofl:. you just use an ordinary curry recipie add some veg of your choise and heat it up with curry and chilli to your taste and add tofu in stead of chicken lol Cheers CC
  20. C

    Hi from Essex UK

    hi all my names is Celini CC for short. Very nice to be here with like minded people. I have been cooking and baking since I was 5 and love it. Not so keen on the eating but hubby does the eating for me :rofl:. He said the otehr day I eat enough to keep a field mouse alive :rofl:. Never been...
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