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  1. K

    Moving House - Off Line - Back Soon

    I have applied to rent a new house. It has been approved :smile:. I have 3 weeks to move from here...But I am packing now! I will still be checking emails etc. But I am to busy with packing and stuff. So I wont be chatting on forums etc until after the move. I will be back in about 2 weeks...
  2. K

    Name 3 things you have trouble cooking?

    I am not questioning June's recipe. Spatchcock IS a baby chicken. The cutting method or style has nothing to do with it...However, it is common for the spine to be removed from spatchcock...but removal of the spine does not make it a spatchcock. From Wiki - A spatchcock is a baby chicken...
  3. K

    New Fishin Fred

    I am not sure what happened there...:ermm: I started this in Off Topic, Jokes, Games cos it might be a bit of fun...Ya know, a place to debait (get it? silly things.:rolleyes: ...and of course, use fishy things when debaiting... Now tell me more about deez mellowyellow brownie...
  4. K

    Name 3 things you have trouble cooking?

    The words... ............................. I hope your chooks turn into emus In the bar there were two blokes arguin', And I reckoned any minute now their fists would start to swing. The tall one wagged his finger and said a vulgar word, And shorty he had hit it and this masterpiece I...
  5. K

    Question on making ahead jalapenos

    As above...No probs. In fact they might even be better because it will allow the flavours to come together...almost like a marinade. :chef:
  6. K

    Name 3 things you have trouble cooking?

    Yeah...yeah... Our chooks might only average 3 pounds...But they can drink a ute load of beer on any given Sunday arvo! And still be sober enough to peck ya dunny door down! :lol:
  7. K

    New Fishin Fred

    It seems like no-one else wants to play :sad: Hey..I just noticed the :angel: smiley looks just like the :innocent: smiley...Some-fin fishy goin' on der! :lol:
  8. K

    Name 3 things you have trouble cooking?

    I am confused again... Is this a "list three things" or is it a request for help and suggestions? Seems to be a bit of both. Someone mentioned reducing pan juices with wine. Don't worry about it not tasting any good. IMO using wine like that makes the food "posher" not better! Unless the...
  9. K

    Cooking in stock question

    Legumes, are actually any seed that is dried and come from a double seamed pod. Legumes include (for example)...beans, peas, lentils and peanuts. :chef:
  10. K

    New Fishin Fred

    Who said fish "need" oxygen?...Oh yeah, it was you :rolleyes: I said their water needs to be airated. Lots and lots of living things...even humans...can live without oxygen at "normal" levels. What about them crab thingy's at the bottom of the ocean where the hot gases and volcano thingy's...
  11. K

    Cooking in stock question

    Oh, well, what ever...I like my stock hot.! But then again there are people out there that like frozen pizza! I like mine so hot that the cheese melts !! Each to their own...:rolleyes: Back on topic... Cook lentils as per normal...which will prob mean soaking over night or boiling for 1...
  12. K

    New Fishin Fred

    The sides of a triangle that are the same length as a square... ...Oops...Sorry, I was going off Off Topic! The wing span of a sparrow...there I go again off topic in Off Topic! Hang on, I will get this right... Who said fishy's need hydrogen?...Oh, yes it seems to have been...
  13. K

    New Fishin Fred

    Dis is da new fishin fred... Water is H2O 2 parts hydrogen and 1 part oxygen.. Dats it...from me...for now! :lol::rofl::lol::rofl:
  14. K

    Cooking in stock question

    Gizzz me da break back side!!! H2O...Da "O" means oxygen...pure water is 1/3 oxygen! Hang on a sec...Ya right...!!! No wonder ya da Admin...Ya picked it up! We off topic! Mmmm...Might have to start a new fishin fred. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
  15. K

    Name 3 things you have trouble cooking?

    Yeah...right...if you say so...! A baby the way... is a spatchcock.!! I don't know what one would call a 5 to 6 pound (2.5 kilo) chicken...Maybe one would call it an emu, big turkey, or ostrich. Black Chef, if you can find a free range 2.5 kilo chicken then go for the...
  16. K

    Name 3 things you have trouble cooking?

    Someone else can help out on #1...I am already in enough trouble over garlic in another thread!!:lol::lol: But I got an answer for #3... Shove an onion in it! I know it sounds silly...Stuffing is used to absorb the oils and juices and give off flavour etc, etc. But, you can flavour with...
  17. K

    Cooking in stock question

    Nup If you put a fish in pure (distilled) water, it will drown. The water must be airated. A common method of preparing salt or sea water for fish tanks. Is to put the water in a large container like a large bucket, and wait. After about 4 to 6 weeks all life will be...
  18. K

    Cooking in stock question

    Your sort of correct...but not quite. Anaerobic life forms can survive without oxygen. Not neccessarly without air. In fact some will die from contacting oxygen. But, yes some life appears to live without air such as fish. But in truth they extract their "air" from the an example...
  19. K

    Sweet/Savory? have been missing out... :rofl::rofl::lol::lol::rofl::rofl:
  20. K

    Cooking in stock question

    I am confused...Is the OP using two different user names? Yes you can freeze stock. Another method so that it is always ready is to seal with fat. Heat the stock when at boiling point add a big piece of fat such as dripping, lard or butter. Then turn off the heat and allow to cool. When cool...
  21. K

    Cooking frozen lasagna in stages?

    115 minutes? Why? Are you cooking from frozen? If so thaw them first. Have you ever done this sort of thing before? Is that 1 hour you have for cook time or is that 1 hour for cook and serve? This is only a guess because I don't know what your set up is there. I would say you should...
  22. K

    Who knew? Cooking spray

    I guess I will have to be the first person to say yes! I thought everyone knew! You should find that heating the pan first, before spraying (so you spray when hot) will give even better non-stick results. Those spray cans are expensive...Get one of those plastic garden pray bottles. They are...
  23. K

    What to do????

    Acknowledged with thanks. The figures I have which I have not been able to confirm as yet...Is award base rate for un-qualified entry level cook $16.13 per hour. That equates to $612.94 base rate @38 hours. Then you have to add penalty rates, holidays, sick days, super (don't forget super)...
  24. K

    What to do????

    I know it is only possible to make guesses without the here goes - If you made your $4 on average (the 40c is GST) per customer. Then you would need to serve 45 customers per hour, every hour for 12 hours a day seven days a week to make your $15k turn over. Sure, most would get a...
  25. K

    What to do????

    You should be contacting Fair Trading or if you have a small buisness advice group in Queensland contact them. You can check buisness registration details on's free. As others have said...No books, no cooks!...Without books, I wouldn't have even bothered to take the photos. It...
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