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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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  1. Member's Photos

    Member's Photos

  2. meshoo96

    Has it really been almost a year?

    Hi all! I cannot believe it's been close to a year since I last logged in. How have you all been? Have I missed anything HUGE in the past year?
  3. meshoo96

    Our Community Featured on Killer Startups!

    I made my comment before I read the others and then went back and felt the need to address the negativity. I meant what I said in those comments and will defend our forum here to the end. You guys have been so wonderful to DH and I. So for the naysayers... Be gone with you. Negativity need not...
  4. meshoo96

    Butter instead of shortening?

    Now I want brownies too... have been craving them for 3 days... now I have to make them AND the cake today....
  5. meshoo96

    ISO cake decorating tips

    The wilton's books are really easy to follow to be honest. I'm about to start teaching the classes. I've watched you tube videos and honestly, I find while some are good to get ideas, they aren't always easy to follow. It definitely takes practice, though. Get some parchment paper and practice...
  6. meshoo96

    Frosting for lemon cake

    DH and I made a lemon cake and used orange cream cheese for the filling. It was good. Nice and citrusy... add some orange zest for some added texture too. You might also try lime.
  7. The top up close

    The top up close

  8. My like wall-eyed parrot...LOL

    My like wall-eyed parrot...LOL

  9. Anyone up for a Tiki party?

    Anyone up for a Tiki party?

  10. [No title]

    [No title]

  11. I copied this from on of my son's comic book covers

    I copied this from on of my son's comic book covers

  12. For a Valentine's party...

    For a Valentine's party...

  13. The fastest cake decorating I have ever done...

    The fastest cake decorating I have ever done...

  14. The mouse ate the cheese...LOL

    The mouse ate the cheese...LOL

  15. This cake had raspberry flavored icing...

    This cake had raspberry flavored icing...

  16. DH did this all by himself....

    DH did this all by himself....

  17. DH's Aunt wanted a naked man for her 61st birthday, so we obliged.

    DH's Aunt wanted a naked man for her 61st birthday, so we obliged.

  18. My hand painted tattoo.. tootsie is her nickname

    My hand painted tattoo.. tootsie is her nickname

  19. She is a member of the red hat society, so we made the hat to cover the Gotcha!

    She is a member of the red hat society, so we made the hat to cover the Gotcha!

  20. DH and I made this. The entire thing is edible.

    DH and I made this. The entire thing is edible.

  21. My little private island... made for a coworker's birthday

    My little private island... made for a coworker's birthday

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