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  1. J

    Power users

    :smile:How do I get the power users interface on my computer? Thank You, in advance
  2. J

    My lap top computer

    :smile: OK! I will try to explain to the best of my abilities. About four years ago I bought a used Dell Latitude C600 computer on Ebay really cheap it was updated as well. The last six months I am having major problems it gets stuck any time it's updating or checking for for virus with program...
  3. J

    Smoked Turkey Brands

    :smile: First of all I must say I am not fond of heavily smoked meats or cheeses. I like smoked Gouda cheese but after a couple of bites the smoke flavor gets stronger and stronger. I have never been crazy about the smoked turkeys I've tried they are way to smoky and seem dry as well. Last...
  4. J


    :smile: What are your favorite main stream crackers? I like the Wasa, Rye Crisps, Akmak, Finn crisp, wheat thins, tricuits, water crackers and many many more I guess I like all crackers including saltines plus fancy crackers when I can get them.
  5. J

    Food Timeline

    :smile: Thought you might find this interesting. Food Timeline: food history & historic recipes
  6. J

    Daylight Saving Time

    :smile::smile: Hey, is tonight daylights saving time or is it later?
  7. J

    Copper cookware - to polish or not to polish?

    :smile: Of those that own copper cook ware who polishes on a regular basis and who has decided to let it go? I have chosen to not polish and let it age on its own no shiny copper for me. I just dont feel like the effort on a regular basis is for me after all it dos not change the cooking ability...
  8. J

    Currant Tomatoes

    :smile: I ordered some Currant Tomato seeds for next year. They are grown in South America and Hawaii they grow in clusters and are so small only four of them will fit on a dime. Anyone heard of these?
  9. J

    Lasagna Gardening?

    :smile: Any one heard of lasagna gardening nothing to do with the the pasta dish? Also I have finally figured out why even though I grow tomatoes I still have not been happy with the taste. So as it were I grew some tomatoes some called Red Lightning Hybrid it is to me very tasty as it is tangy...
  10. J

    OOPS I did it again

    :mad::mad::smile:I was washing dishes stuck my hand into a drinking glass it broke and cut me really good.It cut me deep and good, not the first knuckle on my right fore finger but the knuckle on my second knuckle by my hand. It's a biggie it cut almost to the bone and I lost the the top that...
  11. J

    Scary Movies

    :wink::wink::wink:Who likes horror films? I love them. Well most of them here are my favorites in order. Vampire my all time favorites Zombies used to hate them Ghosts My least favorite are Slice and dice/Crazy people, just plain sick Giant snakes/spiders, other bugs/ crocodiles etc, so boring...
  12. J

    Sad Dough Day

    Please join me in remembering a great icon of the entertainment community. The Pillsbury Doughboy died yesterday of a yeast infection and trauma complications from repeated pokes in the belly. He was 71. Doughboy was buried in a lightly greased coffin. Dozens of celebrities turned out to pay...
  13. J

    Pet Rules

    PET RULES To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height. Dear Dogs and Cats, The dishes with the paw print are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate and food does not stake a claim...
  14. J


    :smile: Just saw commercial. Anybody have one if so does it really work?
  15. J

    Keeping your mouth shut

    :smile: How many of you have had a meal at a friends house and wish you could tell them how to make it better or more fantastic by adding this or that or some technique that would make it better. I for one have a hard time not saying something so I KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT and yet I'm dying to give...
  16. J

    Tech question

    :smile: I just got a call from my satellite IP and they said I'm over my band limit and if Ive been downloading a lot of music/movies I haven't I share with my neighbor ans all she doe's is a lot of Skype with a lot of pictures and web cam to Bulgaria. Could the Skype be the problem? I can...
  17. J

    Hummingbirds wearing me out

    :smile: I know you guys might not believe me but I have at the very least 100 hummers here probably a lot more. It was a bit slow in the beginning but since the Rufous showed up it's been a major sugar war the Broadtailed have been here a while. Some years I get a hundred or more 2 years ago I...
  18. J

    Chocolate Sorbet

    :smile:I love chocolate sorbet and I make it once in a great while. My question is what if I added some heavy cream in place of some of the water would it make it a bit richer or ruin the batch? Anybody ever try it?
  19. J

    Birth of a Humming Bird

    Keep in mind the egg is smaller than a tic tac and a quarter fits the opening of the nest! See last photo THE BIRTH OF A HUMMINGBIRD This is truly amazing. Be sure to click on NEXT PAGE at the bottom of each page; there are 5 pages in all. A lady found a...
  20. J

    What have you noticed?

    :smile: What have you noticed since the gas prices have become so high? I have just noticed that where I live in the middle of nowhere on my morning walks the sky is completely clear. I mean I usually see at least 5-8 vapor or ice trails from airplanes and at least 2-3 actual planes. Now I see...
  21. J

    Another reason to stock up a bit

    :smile:Record corn prices mean more expensive meat, dairy - Yahoo! News
  22. J

    A special THANK YOU !

    :smile: I just wanted to thank Alix and any other Admins that helped us send help to Katie in her time of need. Alix you are amazing how fast you got the monies Katie needed so quickly. Thank you so much for doing this for all of us. I commend you for acting so quickly and for taking the up this...
  23. J

    Food and Gas prices

    :smile: Food prices still seem to be some what stable but I believe they will get much higher in the near future like in two to three months especially since diesel is so high I believe the truckers are going to cut back or quit. Has any one thought about stockpiling a bit of extra stables for...
  24. J

    ISO Help/Advice w/Wireless Internet

    :smile: Anyone have experience with a ( Hawking) Hi-gain usb wireless dish adapter? My neighbor has dial up and it's the pits. She live about 255 ft from me and can pick up my router but no signal. I looked up all kinds of extenders but found this it seems too easy. It has good reviews and can...
  25. J

    Roasted Cauliflower

    :smile: Just made some roasted cauliflower for the first time. Man oh man that's some good stuff. My question is how can I oven roast it more without burning some of it. I started at 450 degrees and the turned down to 400 degrees trying to get a more even caramelizing it's good as is but I want...
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