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  1. T

    What is a plantain? (split)

    Can anyone enlighten me on what a plantain actually is!
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    Teriyaki Sauce

    Does anyone have a terriyaki sauce recipe that I can use for brushing onto chicken / salmon before grilling? I am looking for one I can make from scratch rather than a store bought bottle variety.
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    Thanksgiving in New Zealand - Pumpkin Cheesecake

    Hi All. Here in New Zealand I have a Californian neighbour who has invited the a big group of people to celebrate thanks giving. A holiday not celebrated in NZ. Needless to say I offered to bake a pumpkin pie - and then thought that a baked cheesecake - spiced pumpkin flavour could be an...
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    Diet for Bodybuilders

    Howdy All. I have a diet plan and an idea of the total protein, carb and fat intake I need to gain lean muscle. However I was wondering if anyone out there has any interesting / tasty meals that could be used in a moderately high protein high carb diet. I am looking for suggestions to improve...
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    Chicken Safety!

    Okay... After roasting a chicken I use the carcus for soup or for stock. I have a question regarding freezing partway through the process. Typically I make soup with the stock, any left over meat, roast vegetables, split peas etc and freeze the soup in single serve portions. Is it safe to...
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    Slowcooker Recipe Cookbook Recommendation

    Hello All. I want to buy a slowcooker recipe book and am looking for recommendations - I just want a good variety of recipes. All suggestions are welcome.
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    Howdy all. I have two under 5 year old neices visiting tomorrow with their parents. Kids like cupcakes don't they? I do not have an recipes and was looking for a basic cupcake recipe so I could frost them with multi- coloured frosting - butterflies and flowers and things like that. Does...
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    Slowcooker Chicken Recipes please

    Howdy All. I am looking for someone to share slowcooker recipes for chicken. I am particularly looking for curries etc using chicken breast, rather than chicken pieces. But all suggestions are welcome!
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    Refrigerating Boiled Eggs

    Hi All. A quick question. I have searched the forum but cannot find the answer. Can any one tell me how long I can safely refrigerate hard boiled eggs. I am a bit 'over cautions' when it comes to food safety so am interested in hearing what others have to say. :chef:
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    Just getting started

    Howdy All I am Tim, from New Zealand. I have occasionally visited food forums over the past years and am a bit of a food freak. I love cooking and eating in general. My partner has recently been transfered from Auckland, NZ to New York, NY and has started a 'life in NY' blog. The food...
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    ISO Fruit and Nut bread recipe

    Howdy all. I am on the hunt for a fabulous fruit and nut bread recipe. I do not mind if it is a breadmaker recipe or not, I woud just prefer a yeast based recipe that is rich with fruit and nuts and spiced. All suggestions welcome.
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