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  1. B


    Thinking about smoking a turkey on christmas. Never done one before so any advice would help. I've watched videos on it on youtube and most say it takes four days for the whole process. And since it goes directly on the cooker you kind have to brine it for about 24 hours to keep It juicy. And if...
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    tri tip gone bad...smh

    So I smoked a tri tip but didnt account for the low heat that I smoked it at and undercooked it. I tried something new too. I put bbq sauce on it at the end. I ended up having to cut it in strips and grilling it but I just wanted to share my boneheaded mistake with everyone. I smoked it at about...
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    I have never smoked a brisket but I just bought one and i will smoke it next week.. I hear its the toughest meat to smoke, any suggestions on how to cook, or prep it? Should I marinade it? How long should I marinade it and in what? What kind of rub? I hear a mustard based rub is good for a...
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    smoked some more ribs tonight.

    I got some individual cut ribs that were beef. Came out great! I also smoked some lemon chicken's some pics of everything, mhy gf also made some bbq rice, corn, and cheesy shells which u will see in the picture... the ribs on the right of the picture on the grill are darker cuz I...
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    smoked some ribs friday..

    Ok so I cheated as we all do but they turned out good. I got pics but not many and I didn't take a pic of the finished product but I still thought I would share with u all! I baked them for an hour at 300° then added my rub and honey, smoked them at about 200°for 2 hours, spraying them every...
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    how do u clean ur baster?

    I just wanted to know if there's a trick to cleaning ur baster? I have a few but the one that looks like a mini mop just always looks dirty.
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    turkey tenderloin

    Ok so I cheated on this and bought a pre marinaded tenderloin but it came out good... I added a little bbq sauce to it to keep it moist and it had a very light bbq sauce taste on the edges but the turkey overpowered the bbq taste. Exactly what I hoped but I coulda made it a little more...
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    my new smoker is puttin in some work...

    My gf loves our new smoker, she's making me smoke another tri tip tomarrow afternoon... I marinade this on a little different... I added a little sweet dijon mustard and I chopped garlic instead of mincing it... here's it getting its marinade on.. of course it is untrimmed as I always smoke...
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    tri tip tomarrow

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    BBQ sauces i have right now...

    thought it would be cool to share all the bbq sauces i use...
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    carne asada....

    can u smoke this? all i see is recipes online to grill it within 20 mins or less.. i see nothing about smoking it.
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    you wanted to see the pics of my new smoker..

    here they are... the first and last one i took last night and the middle one i took today.
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    Help with chiseling the holes to attach my firebox to grill

    I have the Char-Broil Grill and also purchased the firebox that goes with it. Having a horrible time chiseling out not the football shaped piece but all the small holes for the bolts. Any help, tips, ideas, suggestions on how to get those stupid things off would be appreciated. So far i've tried...
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