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  1. Bean208

    Strawberry Mousse Recipe?

    My SIL is looking for a recipe for strawberry mouse. She wants something that is light and can be piped into chocolate cups she'll be making. Her search on the internet hasn't gotten her far yet. Does anyone have a tried and true recipe she could use??
  2. Bean208

    Oldest Living NASCAR Driver Dies

    Not sure how many out there are NASCAR fans but in the news this past week was the announcement of the oldest driver, Lloyd Moore, passing away. I was so fortunate to have known him and loved him as my grandfather-in-law. Though I was not is real grandchild he never treated me any less and I...
  3. Bean208

    Chicken Artichoke Spinach Casserole

    I found this recipe when I was first married and it has been a favorite ever since!!! Hope you all like it as much as we do! Chicken Artichoke Spinach Casserole 4 bonless skinless chicken breasts 2 or 3 cans of artichoke hearts, chopped 1 package of frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed...
  4. Bean208

    Sweetheart Dinner

    Each year myself and a group of friends organize and put on what we call the Sweetheart Dinner for our church. We pretty much take over the church and turn it into a restaurant for the evening. This year we even had a harpist providing the music for the evening! We charge $28 per couple and that...
  5. Bean208

    Freezing Chowder?

    I made, for the first time, clam chowder!!! Now for some this may be old hat, but for some reason in my mind I had always thought this was one I couldn't do. Found a great recipe on line and it turned out great with just a few minor tweaks! We will be having left overs again later in the week...
  6. Bean208

    High Cholesterol

    High cholesterol runs in my family and I have been fortunate enough to inhereit this trait! Being the nice person I am I thought I would share with my two year old daughter! Yes, they will test children now when there is a strong family history and we are even discussing putting her on...
  7. Bean208

    Dutch Oven Recommendation

    I have a birthday coming up and on my wish list is a dutch oven. Any recommendations on what kind to get??
  8. Bean208


    Hi everyone! I discovered this site a few days ago and have been hooked ever since! Already I have learned new things and have many questions! I am a full time mother of two and special education teacher. Cooking has become a growing passion and I have had fun trying new recipes and learning as...
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