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  1. T

    Food Processor for my GF

    Hmm I never thought about something being "too big." Primarily she is cooking for just the two of us - but she occasionally makes big batches of things if we are going to a party or something along those lines. She does seem pretty interested in learning to make bread too...decisions decisions
  2. T

    Food Processor for my GF

    Thank you, very helpful! If you had to recommend one, would you go for updated style or more powerful motor? I'm thinking the latter, but I have no cooking experience.
  3. T

    Food Processor for my GF

    Thank^ And for the life of me I can't find information that distinguishes the cuisinart elite from the normal one. Does anyone have any insight into this?
  4. T

    Food Processor for my GF

    Hey all, I am looking around at food processors for my girlfriend for her birthday. Now I don't know whether you will think that's a good gift because this is a cooking forum, or if it's lame. Regardless, I would like to buy it at Williams-Sonoma because we have one nearby and I have a giftcard...
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