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  1. BlueCat

    What Kind Of Dog Are You?

    I believe Hooch from the movie Turner & Hooch is a Dogue de Bordeaux. It's a gentle giant. By the way, I'm a Pekingese. BC
  2. BlueCat

    Fresh Asparagus Tip

    I'm sorry to say that I don't trust the grocery store produce to be cleaned enough not to do it again when I get home. Not that I am compulsive or anything, but you really don't know who's handled it and how they've handled it at the store or before it got there. It could have dropped on the...
  3. BlueCat

    Salt question

    Well, it certainly was a nightmare. I returned to work today, after more than three months off. Had lots of hugs and good wishes waiting for me, but talking to people who haven't seen me since early February also brought back those frightening memories of just how ill I was those first few...
  4. BlueCat

    Salt question

    Thanks all. Yes it was a frightening experience, especially when the Drs. were discussing the plans of action in the ICU right in front of me, which included a lot of talk about my possible demise. I was really sick, and on lots of breathing machines so I couldn't communicate with them, but I...
  5. BlueCat

    Salt question

    Thanks ITK and mudbug for the good wishes. I'm certainly on the mend now and so grateful to be feeling good again. BC
  6. BlueCat

    Salt question

    Thank you so much for the kind words, ITK. I had never been sick a day in my life, and then caught the flu in late January. It turned into bacterial and viral pneumonia and then septic shock set in (which is what eventually killed the pope last month). I had liver, kidney, thyroid and heart...
  7. BlueCat

    Salt question

    They have recently lowered the standard for healthy blood pressure, so that must be what you read recently, ITK. I have always read on the low side, about 110/70 and have never noticed any fluid retention, but early this year I had a terrible illness which affected my heart, so now I see a...
  8. BlueCat

    Storing Potatoes and Onions Together?

    I have also kept potatoes and onions in the fridge for years now. (Not the same onions and potatoes, by the way.) I see absolutely no difference in the onions, and the potatoes MAYBE get a bit of sweetness to them on a rare occasion, but certainly not all the time. It's nothing horrible at...
  9. BlueCat

    Salt question

    I suppose I should ask my Dr. this question when I go next week, but they are normally so salt-phobic that I don't know if I would get a proper answer. Some people's blood pressure is affected by salt quite a bit, and some are not. Does that go hand in hand with the fluid retention or not? In...
  10. BlueCat

    Tonight is my last night for awhile. i hope.

    I had that very experience in February of this year (although I did live, by the way). I'm very active on a couple of other message boards and fell ill very suddenly. What started with the flu turned into double pneumonia and septic shock (which is what ultimately caused the death of Pope John...
  11. BlueCat

    getting my first tatoo!

    And I wouldn't just limit this to women with tats. Men sag too, not to mention that they get hairier and that cute dancing girl with the grass skirt on your forearm starts to look like Sasquatch in old age. Then you can add the odd bluish color that the black ink turns into in the older...
  12. BlueCat

    Basic Lemonade

    Well, I didn't think it would mix well with cold water, therefore the question. I thought maybe they had a trick I didn't know about. I do, however, know about simple syrups. BC
  13. BlueCat

    Basic Lemonade

    If you use honey, does it mix well with cold water? And with honey, do you use part sugar and part honey, or all honey? Thanks, BC
  14. BlueCat

    Mustard Plaster?

    I've only seen mustard plasters used on the Three Stooges and Beverly Hillbillies! Now I know what they're made of! BC
  15. BlueCat

    Turn your clocks forward 1 hour

    I think I had 22 or 23 clocks (or things that contain clocks) to set...and this is the easy one. Wait until we fall back. That is much more time consuming. And there are probably 4 or 5 clocks that set themselves - that's a lot of clocks. BC
  16. BlueCat

    Subscription Notices

    I had to go and unsubscribe again this morning. My settings were somehow changed again. BC
  17. BlueCat

    911 call from Burger King

    Incredible! BC
  18. BlueCat

    cnet: Milk from a mouse. Would you drink it????? (Not making this UP!!!)

    You mean you would not, could not with a mouse. But could you drink it in a boat? Or could you drink it with a goat? Would you like it in your house? There you could drink milk with a mouse! BC
  19. BlueCat

    Buys House

    I don't agree at all about "trying to hide" what someone paid for a house and having other things to hide. What I paid for my house is my business. Any house is a lot of money and I was always taught that you don't discuss things like that in polite company. And we certainly don't have...
  20. BlueCat

    "I do not share my recipes with anyone."

    Now that is sad buckytom. In this case it was a family recipe, and had she shared it, it would have lived on (with her name attached, btw) for possibly generations. This way, you miss it, but in the future no one will know a thing about what a great cook she was. It might have made her feel...
  21. BlueCat

    "I do not share my recipes with anyone."

    Sounds like this one thinks a great deal of herself. She's been complimented before and she wants to make sure no one steals her thunder. There are plenty of recipes for good sweets out there. I wouldn't worry about this one at all. Not worth it. BC
  22. BlueCat


    Well, this one worked. There was one post either yesterday or the day before that I tried to get to turn blue, with no luck. I went back and edited it several times to try to get the font to change color, but no luck. This one is fine. I guess I should have tried two or three before crabbing...
  23. BlueCat


    Hey! I tried and tried this with no luck. No, not in the title, but in the body. Let's see if it's fixed itself for me. BC Well, I can't explain it...:ermm:...but thanks!
  24. BlueCat


    I am finding that the font color can't be changed lately. Is this something permanent? I like to change colors so that I can see mine quickly as I browse through. BC
  25. BlueCat

    Buys House

    I don't ask what people paid for something like that. I don't think it's my business. I know you could scour the papers to find out later, but I wouldn't come out and ask. If they don't mind people knowing, they'll tell you. BC
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