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  1. BlueCat

    What Kind of Stand Mixer is in Your Kitchen?

    I have a KA Professional 6, which the company sent me to replace my Artisan (I think that's what it was) because the first one developed a quirk where it wouldn't shut off. I sometimes had to unplug it to get it to stop. It was out of warranty, but only gently used, so I wrote them a note and...
  2. BlueCat

    Traditional Anniversary Gifts

    I'm only realizing in the last few posts that 'idiot' is a current, and not a former. I guess I thought he had to be in the past with a title like that! My 18th is coming up next week. Mine knows how to celebrate though. BC
  3. BlueCat

    Our Names..?

    I use BlueCat because I have a beautiful, bright, wonderful bluish gray senior cat named Blue, who is a giant among cats. He is my quiet man - the only cat I've ever seen who can actually whisper. He has a certain sensibility that you don't often see in an animal. He can be cranky, but he shows...
  4. BlueCat

    Pink Kitchen Aid

    A pink stove and refrigerator? Wow! The last of the pink is now gone (except for a tiny, barely pink accent in the flooring of one bathroom) with the installation yesterday of my sand colored Corian counters. I couldn't be happier. Like I said earlier, I don't mind pink in clothing or...
  5. BlueCat

    Required Field - Location

    You are exactly right chocolatechef. I don't mind telling people what state I live in, but I wouldn't want to be required to say much more - at least until I get to know who I'm talking to a bit better. And if these things are a requirement to create a profile, then you don't know anyone very...
  6. BlueCat

    Where do you buy your spices?

    We have a Penzey's store not too far from here. I stock up whenever I get out that way. They have great spices and they are reasonable - although I still spend a bundle when I go there. BC
  7. BlueCat

    Pink Kitchen Aid

    No, it wasn't Ruth. :lol: Actually, it was 'decorated' (I use that term loosely) by the original owner, who's husband was a career military man. I always wondered how a soldier type could have lived with all that pink. BC
  8. BlueCat

    Pink Kitchen Aid

    As I read this, I'm having my pink counter tops removed so that they can install the lovely sand colored Corian counters this Friday. This will mark the end of the pink in my home. When we moved in here, this place was a pink nightmare - 1500 square feet of pink carpeting, pink counters, 480...
  9. BlueCat

    What size is a #2 can?

    I read somewhere that a #2 can is 20 oz. BC
  10. BlueCat


    I've had dal several times, but have never made it. I thought it was made with red lentils. It is quite delicious. I'd search under the spelling 'dal', because that is how I've seen it spelled in restaurants. BC
  11. BlueCat

    Alcohol & the Heart

    Thank heaven I don't have any Drs. who would give me supplements so I could continue to drink more than I should. I may have been upset about that at your age, luvs, but now I'm glad that they look out for my well being enough to not 'help' me in that way. BC
  12. BlueCat

    Uses For Bleach?

    That sounds like a great idea. With my luck however, I'd get stuck all right, but when I would go for the bleach I'd find that it spilled in the trunk of the car and I'd have a bleached trunk and no bleach to get me out of the fix I was in. BC
  13. BlueCat

    Canisters! What's in your kitchen?

    I have the round Tupperware ones that are white with blue lids (why blue, I don't know - never had any blue in the kitchen except for Blue Cat - and he's always on the counters, whether I want him there or not). They work fine but are in the cabinet. I thought about ceramic ones, but I don't...
  14. BlueCat

    Alcohol & the Heart

    That is very interesting indeed. Funny thing is that it addresses one of the situations I had with my recent illness. When I was so ill in the hospital, and had bad atrial fibrulation, two of my Drs. seemed to be in a battle about the cause of it. The cardiologist thinks it was flu/pneumonia...
  15. BlueCat

    Brat Hot Tub

    I find the "After" produces a more tender brat, and the "Before" produces a crisper one (if that's a proper way to describe it). I did the "Before" for many years too, but I prefer the "After". I never thought of using the liquid for sauces or adding it as a soup base. Sounds like a good idea...
  16. BlueCat

    Have You Tried Durian?

    Boy oh boy, something that smells like a combination of garbage and gasoline that makes people gag and vomit...YUM! I won't be trying that one any time soon. BC
  17. BlueCat

    Brat Hot Tub

    Thanks! That little sweetheart is Bob Cat. Blue Cat is a wise old bluish gray cat, who is my quiet man, but he always looks cranky in his pictures (because he IS often cranky). Bob on the other hand, is my silly little shadow. He enjoys all the attention he can get, and I get better photos...
  18. BlueCat

    Brat Hot Tub

    My Weber grill recipe book has a recipe for brats that is very similar, and I've been using this method for years now. I brown the brats over the coals and then put them into the pan of beer and onions and let them simmer for 20-30 minutes. I had always seen people simmer them in the beer first...
  19. BlueCat

    Sharpening a knife - everything you need to know

    Yes, using the thumb as a guide would really help keep the angle consistent. BC
  20. BlueCat

    My kitty is old

    I'm sorry to hear of the loss of your dog, Rainee. I am a real animal lover, and I know how that hurts. BC
  21. BlueCat

    Buffalo Burgers? Your input

    We have a herd of buffalo at work (believe it or not) so I just can't eat a buffalo burger, knowing them as I do. BC
  22. BlueCat

    Salt question

    Oh, it was just terrible what a couple of them said as I lay there with all those IV's going and all. The renal Dr. basically told my family that they should just let me go. When I heard that, of course it really frightened me. They found me another renal Dr. in a hurry. I've heard lately that...
  23. BlueCat

    Cliantro Question -How does it taste to you?

    I love cilantro, but I saw Julia Child (:chef:) on Larry King (:sick:) one time and she said it was the only food she could think of that she hated, because it tasted like soap to her. Later I read somewhere (I can't remember where) that there is a physiological reason for some people to have...
  24. BlueCat

    Definition of Numbers on Produce Stickers

    This is interesting info. I've always wondered about the bread thing. Makes me look forward to the next grocery day for a change. BC
  25. BlueCat

    What Kind Of Dog Are You?

    No, you are absolutely right middie. A Dogue de Bordeaux is also known as a French Mastiff. BC
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