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  1. BlueCat

    HEY!! Tell us about your Cat! :)

    I can't leave out one story about my very handsome, very complex cat, Blue. He's sure that he's one of the humans of the household and that he has two pets, a cat Bob and a dog Grommit. He's always had a cranky streak, which I understand now may be due to his advancing age, but it's always been...
  2. BlueCat

    HEY!! Tell us about your Cat! :)

    Oh I have many cat stories I could relate here. One of my favorites is when Bob (pictured in my avatar) called my brother's house in Chicago at 4:30 a.m. from my cell phone, which was on the kitchen table at the time. I had no idea, of course, that this had happened until my regular phone rang a...
  3. BlueCat

    Sloganize your name

    Got Bluecat? BC
  4. BlueCat

    Thunderstorms and My Dogs

    Sorry about the password. I can't imagine what's up with that. When they updated the site, I had to log in again, but I told it to remember me and I'm fine - just like always. Also sorry about the "pup". I don't know what happens to a dog to make them get that way. I suppose one good scare...
  5. BlueCat

    So.. has the time change messed everyone up?

    Doesn't matter to me if the sun comes up at 8:30 in the dead of Winter. If it's a weekday, I'm at work by 7, so it's very often dark at that time, and on the weekend I try to stay in bed until about 8 or 8:30. A perfect time for daybreak. BC
  6. BlueCat

    So.. has the time change messed everyone up?

    I think I spend the entire hour that I gain changing clocks. BC
  7. BlueCat

    So.. has the time change messed everyone up?

    I'd like to stay on DST all year. This "falling back" only helps me to drive to work in the light of morning for about a week, and then it's just as dark as it has been again. And the idea of it being pitch black at 5:00 has never appealed to me. I like DST and I'm glad it will be extended by...
  8. BlueCat

    Stemless wine glass ?

    I can't imagine that you're going to hold the glass of wine long enough to make a difference in the temperature. You'd have to be a pretty fancy pants wine taster to have that change your mind about using those pretty glasses. I love stemmed glasses, so I would like a stem, but that's just my...
  9. BlueCat

    Dilating Eyes?

    Two to four hours is about right. I worked for ophthalmologists for years and everyone is different, but that's the normal amount of time. The drops just prevent the pupils from constricting in the light, so they are "stuck" open for a long while. It helps the Dr. see the retina, because when...
  10. BlueCat

    Favourite Halloween song

    Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens is the spookiest Halloween song ever! BC
  11. BlueCat

    Technique of using a honing steel

    This is how I learned to use a sharpening steel or a ceramic sharpener: BC
  12. BlueCat

    FAVS: Radish recipes?

    I did that once too! LOL BC
  13. BlueCat

    Heinz Ketchup

    Their response didn't seem to me as though they were being two-faced. I'm sure a lot of products would last a bit longer if refrigerated, but it's not something that is necessary to keep them from spoiling if used in a fair amount of time. BC
  14. BlueCat

    Bird Flu?

    Why were you quoting me on that post? I agree that it is not anything to be afraid of with chicken that we eat. The fact that I'm afraid of the bird flu becoming an epidemic stems from the theories I've heard that it will soon mutate and be able to be spread from human to human. That is a very...
  15. BlueCat

    Your all time top 10 films?

    In no particular order and subject to minor changes: 1. Duck Soup 2. The Producers 3. Casablanca 4. Citizen Kane 5. To Kill a Mockingbird 6. Gone With The Wind 7. Dr. Strangelove 8. The Grapes of Wrath 9. The Maltese Falcon 10. Horsefeathers 11. Scrooge (with Alastair Sim) I know there are two...
  16. BlueCat

    My doctor just called

    Very good news! I'm so glad to hear it. BC
  17. BlueCat

    Bird Flu?

    As a person who came within hours of dying from complications of the flu in February of this year, I can say that I'm frightened out of my wits about the bird flu scare. I lived, and now only have a fairly minor heart problem from my illness (although I had a number of other organ failures and...
  18. BlueCat


    We use something like that to measure the salinity in our salt water fish tank. What else would you use it for? BC
  19. BlueCat

    One of our own needs your thoughts and prayers...

    I'm so sorry to hear of your accident. Wishing you a very speedy recovery. BC
  20. BlueCat


    I just saw this too. Been busy busy busy at work - no time for forums in a few days. Hope you had a great birthday! BC
  21. BlueCat

    Rebuild New Orleans?

    On higer ground how could it remain New Orleans, which is known for it's shipping trade? I believe that's why it was put there in the first place, wasn't it? BC
  22. BlueCat

    Waste Not, Want Not - or not?

    I don't reuse ziplocks although my other half does a couple of times over for similar items. I don't use a lot of paper plates or disposable stuff, so ziplocks are for lunch items and freezing, and even the lunch items are often in reusable plastic containers. This way I don't feel guilty about...
  23. BlueCat

    What have you always wanted to do?

    I've ridden in a balloon a couple of times now. It was on my list of things I wanted to do, but I was afraid also. I had the good fortune to meet a balloon pilot through some friends and got up the courage to go. It was just fabulous. I can't wait to do it again next year. BC
  24. BlueCat

    Who is your fave celebrity chef?

    I like Jacques Pepin, particularly when they paired him with Julia Child. The two of them had a great chemistry, and I thought Jacques showed her a great deal of respect onscreen. BC
  25. BlueCat

    The beauty of simplicity

    I'm with you Marmalady. Jacques is the tops. BC
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