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  1. BlueCat

    Your Sunday?

    Just got done watching the Bears beat the Seahawks! YAHOO! BC
  2. BlueCat

    Keeping cilantro

    I know many people hate the stuff, but I love it, and like to make fresh salsa and chili and guacamole quite often. I'd like to know how I can keep some on hand (I know I should just plant some in the house - that would solve the problem). I had a brainstorm, however, and I wonder if it might...
  3. BlueCat

    Anger Management Test

    And I scored a 4, and I'm known for my outspoken ways! Go figure. BC
  4. BlueCat

    My Job

    I think he always wanted to be an astronaut - right, DS? :wink: BC
  5. BlueCat

    You are not the boss of me - Grammar help

    Hahaha! That one makes me want to bite a table! BC
  6. BlueCat

    Cat Poo Coffee...seriously

    Well, here's another reason to be thankful I have the job I do. How would you like to be a bean harvester? :sick: BC
  7. BlueCat

    Chefs who smoke

    I get you now Goodweed. How funny that things are taken so differently when reading the printed word. Yep, I'll admit that my opinions are rigid. I have a real tough time making a decision about many things, but once I have one, by golly, I stick to it! And I get your point too goboenomo...
  8. BlueCat

    Heart Pounding People :)

    And how may I help you, Mr. Clooney? BC
  9. BlueCat

    Green bananas

    Mine always ripen far too quickly to use them. I'll have to experiment by putting a couple in the fridge. I've always seen the way they turn brown, and thought they were overripe. My mother has a hiatal hernia and she also has gallstones, so she has a lot of trouble eating anymore. One of...
  10. BlueCat

    Cruise Food

    I'm so glad you introduced this topic Mudbug! I'd never have considered a cruise before either, but we're starting to talk about Europe, and it seems that something like a Mediterranean cruise might be a nice way to see several areas in one trip. I don't anticipate being able to travel to...
  11. BlueCat

    When it comes tax time

    I do accounting work for a living, but I have used Turbo Tax. It's kinda fun, although it only includes the federal form. For the state form, you have to purchase an add on. The forms aren't hard to figure out on your own, if you have a simple return. The problem anymore is getting a book -...
  12. BlueCat

    Chefs who smoke

    I wasn't pointing to your post in particular, Goodweed. I was stating the facts as I see them, the ones that I have available to me, and making educated and informed opinions, just as you stated above. I'm not sure what you were driving at with the emotion statement. Much as I don't like the...
  13. BlueCat

    Chefs who smoke

    Thank heaven I don't work in a field where people's narrow opinions and generalizations could have had an effect on my livelihood. Mind you, I don't regret for a minute my decision to stop smoking, but smoking never changed my ability to taste food. Smoking also never interfered with my...
  14. BlueCat

    Chefs who smoke

    I smoked for years, and now I have not smoked for years, and I never ever experienced the wonders that people said I would of being able to taste food better after quitting. Food never tasted one bit different after I gave up the habit, so there is no reason to say that a chef who smoked should...
  15. BlueCat

    Dishwasher: is it a worthwhile investment?

    There are only two of us in the house and we love our dishwasher! I wouldn't want to be without one. I don't like the look of dirty dishes in a sink, and I don't want to stop and wash each time I use a glass or a bowl, so I think they're worth the space they take up without question. It...
  16. BlueCat

    Patterned Bottom for a Springform Pan?

    I've seen springform pans with fancy patterned bottoms too. I've only ever used mine for cheesecake, although I hear they're great for deep dish pizza too, so I never invert anything I make in them. I suppose there's no reason you couldn't bake a regular cake in one though. BC
  17. BlueCat

    Grocery Stores Open Christmas Day

    I remember going to a grocery store on either Christmas or New Year's Day one year and was surprised to find the more senior clerks working there. I asked why they got stuck with it, and they all giggled and said that they fight over it because it's double time and a half for them. So there's...
  18. BlueCat

    We layed my cat down last night

    I'm so sorry, MM. It's so sad to lose a beloved companion who's been a part of your family for so many years. BC
  19. BlueCat

    Who Owns a Mortar & Pestle?

    Me too. I have a small one for little amounts of spices or to crush pills for the pets to mix into their food. Then I have a Molcajete which weighs about a ton for the bigger jobs. BC
  20. BlueCat

    Lard vs Crisco

    My experiences with baked goods is that it only comes out with similar results if you use the ingredients as stated. That is, if it says butter, use butter. That's not to say something won't come out good, but it won't be the same. BC
  21. BlueCat

    Beware of Irregular or Fast Heart Rate!

    While that might be hard to swallow right now, it beats the alternative! BC
  22. BlueCat

    Chicken contamination

    Not that I'm denying any of the dangers, but I heard a second source say that those findings were not accurate. I can't remember the source, but they had much more realistic sounding statistics. I have to think that this is correct or I could never eat another chicken. BC
  23. BlueCat

    Turkey thawing

    I'm sure it will be fine. BC
  24. BlueCat

    Alton Brown's Eggnog Show Tonight

    We have a local dairy that makes eggnog each year, so I've had that since I was a child. No other compares to the Oberweis eggnog. Same goes for their ice cream. Being raised on the wonderful stuff, I was sorely disappointed when the so-called premium ice creams started surfacing maybe 15...
  25. BlueCat

    Beware of Irregular or Fast Heart Rate!

    I had a similar experience in early 2005, when I got the flu and it turned into double pneumonia and then sepsis, where all your organs shut down. I was off work for over 3 months while they tried to get everything working again. Somehow, maybe when they did the cardioversion, my vocal chord...
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