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  1. BlueCat

    Why does pesto include nuts?

    Because they are delicious! BC
  2. BlueCat

    Top 10 Best.....

    Well, there were 400 quotes on that document. Some of them I think are great, and some of them I can't believe they chose. I did like to see that there were a number of Groucho Marx quotes. His are always memorable. BC
  3. BlueCat

    Poll: Your Favorite Ice Cream Flavor

    Me too. Plain chocolate - no chips, no peanut butter, no marshmallows, no brownie pieces. Just wonderful, smooth, creamy chocolate ice cream. And Rocky Road needs almonds, not cashews. BC
  4. BlueCat

    What peeves you?

    So Texasgirl, it's all got to do with that ribbed texture, whether it be on your skin or on your blue jeans. I've never met anyone with that particular quirk. And no, it's not psychotic - it's original! :smile: BC
  5. BlueCat

    What peeves you?

    Must be tricky to shake hands with people if you have that kind of quirk. I'm surprised that two of you said that touching your feet bothers you so quickly. I like having my feet touched. Foot rubs are great. One of my cats likes to rub against my feet and I love the feeling of the soft fur...
  6. BlueCat

    Do your cats a Favor

    Like this jkath? BC
  7. BlueCat

    Do your cats a Favor

    Well, I tried the nori with both cats and they turned their little noses up at it. The dog, however, gobbled it up like it was a delicacy. Go figure. BC
  8. BlueCat

    Opinion on exercise and eating right

    I read recently that diet sodas are just as bad for your teeth as sugared ones. I had always wondered about that. As for the McDonald's slamming, I don't go there often, but I do like a burger and fries from there once in awhile. I figure if it's good enough for Julia Child, who said on more...
  9. BlueCat

    Do your cats a Favor

    I'll have to try this. We have nori around the house all the time to feed the tropical fish. Never thought to give it to the cats though. BC
  10. BlueCat

    Cherry pitters

    Good question. I almost bought one the other day but didn't know how useful it would be. BC
  11. BlueCat

    Getting To Know You

    1. What is your full name(optional)? BlueCat 2. What color pants are you wearing? Khaki Shorts 3. What are you listening to right now? The birds singing outside my window 4. What was the last thing you ate? A grilled hamburger 5. Do you wish on stars? Yep - It couldn't hurt! 6. If you were a...
  12. BlueCat

    New Kitten Story

    I'm the same way Barbara. I think long and hard before giving a name to an animal of mine. I tend to like regular names, like humans have, but you wouldn't know it by my two of my current animals. I have a dog named Grommit, and a cat named Blue, but the third is named Bob (my avatar kitty). He...
  13. BlueCat

    where do you eat?

    That's exactly right Claire. I didn't register for china either. It was something I saved for and bought over the years. I use it more in the fall and winter too, probably because I cook more roasts and sit-down type meals at that time of year. It makes a meal at home feel special. BC
  14. BlueCat

    Would you like some sugar with that?

    This, phrased one way or another, is essentially what I found on every website about sugar, except for the C&H site, which, of course, said there is a difference: "Because the sweetener is processed down to pure sucrose, there is no essential difference in taste or usage between cane sugar and...
  15. BlueCat

    where do you eat?

    We have enough tables to eat each meal at a different one. We have a kitchen table, one in the morning room, and then the dining room. Truly, we use the morning room more often than the others though, but we do try to have Sunday dinners in the dining room with the nice dishes. It's a shame to...
  16. BlueCat

    What is your weather like right now?

    It was a beautiful warm, windy day here. It's my 18th anniversary today (D-Day!), and this is almost an exact copy of my wedding day. BC
  17. BlueCat

    Garbage Disposal Question

    Garbage Disposals What can I put down my garbage disposal? You can put just about any non fibrous food down your disposal with adequate water such as meat, bones up to 1/2 inch in diameter, eggs, egg shells , coffee grounds, apples, orange rinds potato peelings.In fact to freshen your...
  18. BlueCat

    Garbage Disposal Question

    I'm glad you asked about this. We just put in a new garbage disposal with more power, but I've only had one in the kitchen for a few years anyway. Even the new one did not come with instructions, so I'm not sure what to avoid putting in there as well. I had always put coffee grounds and...
  19. BlueCat

    QUIZ: What animal are you?

    How in the world could I be a Wild Cat or a Swan? Don't they seem quite different from one another? I did see a bit of me in either of them however. BC
  20. BlueCat

    I need first aid help

    Well, we'd probably hear you yell cross country if you poured rubbing alcohol on that cut. Hydrogen peroxide will clean it. I cut my finger the night before Easter and ended up in the hospital emergency room because I'm on Coumadin and it would NOT stop bleeding for over 2 1/2 hours. It was a...
  21. BlueCat

    Our Names..?

    We're trying the leash with Bob and he's not doing too badly, although he slithers along when he has it on instead of just walking like a normal cat. My late cat Ruby used to be pretty good on a leash - for a cat. She always wanted to run up trees or under bushes with it on, which is made it a...
  22. BlueCat

    Discuss Cooking's Virtual Bed and Breakfast

    It's tough when you suddenly realize that you have all those bad things happening at once, DS. It might help to divide and conquer. You're overwhelmed because you added them all together and it scared you. Try to take one or two of the bills and/or bad situations and take care of that one or...
  23. BlueCat

    Tried to kill my le crueset

    Nonstick pans left to burn on the stove, will kill a pet bird in no time flat. I'm sure it would have killed the cat, and maybe you too SpiceEmUp, if kitty hadn't been there to wake you. I had lots of literature from veterinarians on the dangers of the pans when I kept pet birds, and didn't own...
  24. BlueCat

    Our Names..?

    Thank you jkath. I think a lot of my furry friends. Blue in particular intrigues me and has for years. He walks alongside me when I take the dog for a walk, as though he's a human companion - right by my side, except to stop momentarily for an occasional roll in the sun on the concrete...
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