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    Glass vs plastic for sauerkraut

    I poured the brine off the top of the kraut & the cabbage was still light in color. It has a good taste. Now I'm more puzzled than ever. The only reason I can think of that might have made the brine turn dark was that a day or 2 after I had weighted the cabbage down, I checked it & thought it...
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    Glass vs plastic for sauerkraut

    Thanks for your reply.
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    Glass vs plastic for sauerkraut

    I have noticed that when I make sauerkraut in my gal glass container it always turns dark. The cabbage is being held down by a plate on top. The brine covers it by at least 2" & is covered in a dark place. I've had to throw away 2 batches so far. No mold or scum on it just cabbage turns dark...
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    ISO help/tips making sauerkraut

    Thanks for your replies. I have enjoyed making sauerkraut in the winter because it's easier to keep the temp between 60° & 70°. The only downside is I have to buy the cabbage in winter. I may try one pint in the sunshine just to see what happens.
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    ISO help/tips making sauerkraut

    I've been a little "obsessed" trying to get a batch of sauerkraut to turn out as good as my first one. I've tried just about everything I've read & had to dispose of a lot because it turned dark. I read that if you will put sauerkraut in the sunlight while fermenting that it will stay almost...
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    To sauerkraut experts

    Thanks blissful! I think I need to stop experimenting so much. At the moment I have 3 different batches of sauerkraut fermenting. I can't wait to see which I like the best.
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    To sauerkraut experts

    I have never made SK with vinegar b/4 either. I'm also wondering if there is still the beneficial bacteria when using vinegar??? Thanks for your replies!
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    To sauerkraut experts

    For anyone interested this is a followup to an earlier recipe for sauerkraut that included vinegar, sugar, salt & water. The recipe says it will be ready in 2 weeks. I'm 2 weeks into the fermenting process & it still taste & looks like fresh raw cabbage. My question is: do you think it will...
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    Sauerkraut recipe to share with you - your thoughts?

    Thanks for reply. If I try it I will probably put it in a small crock instead of jars & cover as usual.
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    Need help with sauerkraut

    Thanks johpor, I did a batch like you say & it turned out good. I had no scum or mold on top. In fact I did nothing to it but watch to be sure the brine was still over the cabbage. The sauerkraut was still white or very light after fermenting was complete.
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    Sauerkraut recipe to share with you - your thoughts?

    I have a recipe an old 95 YO woman gave me & I wanted to see what you thought about it. You make a brine from 1 cup sugar, 1 cup canning salt, 1 cup white vinegar, 1 gal distilled or unchlorinated water. Pack chopped cabbage in jars & cover with brine. Remove air bubbles & wait 2 weeks for it...
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    Need help with sauerkraut

    Thanks everyone! I'll throw it out & start over. Constance, thanks for the info. I had no idea it should be worked with after putting it in the crock. Do you actually mix/stir the cabbage with your hands after it starts fermenting? I want to be sure I understand this correctly. I...
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    Need help with sauerkraut

    I started another batch of sauerkraut 3 days ago. The first time I made kraut it turned out great but was too salty. This time I cut the salt down & used 1 tsp salt per qt of raw cabbage as if I were making it in the jar. I mixed it well & packed into my glass crock being sure it was covered...
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    Sauerkraut salad

    Thanks for reply. I'll be glad to post the recipe but this is my first time to make it. I did not put as much sugar, vinegar & oil as the recipe called for. I'm adding those ing to suit my taste. tasted it after I got it mixed & it...
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    Sauerkraut salad

    I couldn't decide where to post this so here goes.... My recipe for SS calls for rinsing & draining the sauerkraut but not cooking it. Will this wash away all the good enzymes in my SK? thanks much!
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    Does anyone know how to use milled flax seed?

    I mix in pancakes & breads. Since it is fiber I would start with adding 1 tsp & add 1 tsp a day to be sure it isn't constipating (sorry if it's too personal). Starting slow is best to prevent problems. Good luck!
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    ISO help canning cowboy beans

    Azfred that sounds delicious.
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    I think my sauerkraut is ready

    Thanks everybody!
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    I think my sauerkraut is ready

    Today is 21 days since I started my sauerkraut. My husband & I agree it's ready. He is the one in the family that likes kraut. I do not want to pressure can it, but put it in frig. After putting in jars, do I pack the sauerkraut tightly & make sure it is covered with juice? I'm not sure how...
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    When making sauerkraut, do you cover

    Thanks very much!
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    When making sauerkraut, do you cover

    I have one more batch of kraut to make. I usually make mine in jars but I am trying it in a crock this time. After I salt & pack in crock, cover with a plate & weighted down. Do I cover the plate with a tight fitting lid or should I allow for air to get into the crock? Thanks for everyone...
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    Do you wash your cabbage?

    The reason I don't wash the organically grown is I grow it myself. I know it is not sprayed with pesticides & that it is grown using compost as the fertilizer. I do take off outer leaves & rinse it but don't feel I would be eating poison by not washing each leaf. Thanks for all your replies!
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    Do you wash your cabbage?

    I usually use organically grown cabbage & don't worry so much about washing every leaf. I always take off the outer leaf. When I use regular cabbage I usually wash every leaf but have never found anyone else that does this. Just curious as what you do before using your cabbage. Thanks.
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    Another sauerkraut question - do you make kraut by the signs?

    Thanks all! russellkhan, each astrological sign represents a body part. Sagittarius is thighs, Gemini - arms, Pisces - feet, Aries - head, Taurus - neck, Cancer - breast, Leo - heart, Virgo - bowels, Capricorn - knees, etc. What is confusing to me is, it doesn't matter what day the...
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    Another sauerkraut question - do you make kraut by the signs?

    I'm from the southeast US & everyone here goes by the signs when making kraut. They wouldn't dare start kraut when the signs are anywhere from the waist to the feet. Do any of you watch the signs or do you just make kraut when you feel like it? After all if you start the kraut when signs...
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