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The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
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  1. CabinetTags

    Hi Folks, Call me Mike

    Many thanks for the welcome folks. I truly enjoy cooking if I'm not rushed. I enjoy making dishes that require a bit more than a skillet. Chicken pot pie would be an example. Or gingersnaps. Being able to ask for opinions will be a help. My sauce for the chicken pie this last time around...
  2. CabinetTags

    Keeping dinner plates hot?

    I think I can add a bit to this. My wife complains of this too and having been served on a sizzling platter I can appreciate those last bites still being warm, if not hot. My search for a solution turned up a restaurant supply company that also caters to individuals. There I found not just...
  3. CabinetTags

    Hi Folks, Call me Mike

    This is my 1st forum and it looks to be interesting. I hope to have something to contribute and it will be nice to have a place to pose questions. It's my pleasure to become a part of your community.
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