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  1. CookLikeJulia

    What's the last movie you watched?

    Just watched " The Last Air Bender" last month. It is really a goo movie. :)
  2. CookLikeJulia

    What's been happening in my life (Beth's Story)

    All I can say is that, you a rare kind of a woman. :)
  3. CookLikeJulia

    Fall Flower Bed

    That's really nice! Hope I could have one. :)
  4. CookLikeJulia

    Horseradish, how to control?

    I suggest that, you better put it in a pot. As I read some articles, they say that, it is better to plant it in a pot or a open field. :)
  5. CookLikeJulia

    Help me create a tasty veggie soup!

    That's nice to know, I would like to try that recipe also. I also make some veges soup almost the sane as what Andy do, I would like to try his recipe and figure it out which is good. :)
  6. CookLikeJulia

    Ideas for Blueberries?

    I suggest making some blueberry topped cookies or a blueberry topped cheese cake.
  7. CookLikeJulia

    ISO Quick Bread/Cake

    It too late for my suggestion. Well, I would suggest the same thing as cupcakes topped blueberry or cherry. Also, you can make a cheese cake out of it. :)
  8. CookLikeJulia

    Meatloaf but only ground beef?

    You gave some idea of making new food. But I guess, it would be like a burger right? :D
  9. CookLikeJulia

    Cooking but not eating?

    I have felt that sometime. But mostly, I love cooking and eating. :)
  10. CookLikeJulia

    Home from hospital again

    Also back again! Sorry to read that you had a broken foot? Please take care next time, we are happy you're also back here! :)
  11. CookLikeJulia

    My cat passed away

    I'm sorry for your lose, GB.
  12. CookLikeJulia

    Celebrity Name Game

    Drew Barrymore
  13. CookLikeJulia

    Word Association Game

  14. CookLikeJulia

    Foods you hated as a kid

    I didn't like broccoli back then.
  15. CookLikeJulia

    3 Word Story

    hitchhiker who has
  16. CookLikeJulia

    Song Title Game

    A Penny for your thoughts
  17. CookLikeJulia

    Outrageous Restaurant Portions ...WhoWhereWhy?

    I was never a fan of Eat all you can. Self control is the key.
  18. CookLikeJulia

    Celebrity Name Game

    Sandra Bullock
  19. CookLikeJulia

    Song Title Game

    Night Fever - Bee Gees
  20. CookLikeJulia

    Trivia 9/14

    Very informative. Thanks for sharing!
  21. CookLikeJulia

    Fictional Celebrity Name Game

    Dorothy, Wizard of Oz
  22. CookLikeJulia

    Celebrity Name Game

    Susan Sarandon
  23. CookLikeJulia

    Word Association Game

  24. CookLikeJulia

    Song Title Game

    Santa Claus is Coming to Town
  25. CookLikeJulia

    What's been happening in my life (Beth's Story)

    Beth, my prayers goes to you and Rich. May our good Lord guide and give you strength. Take care and God bless!
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