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  1. CookLikeJulia

    "Giant of Italy" Flat-Leaf Italian Parsley

    I love parsley a lot especially when you top them on your favorite dish. Oh, please give us the idea where to purchase seeds or can you sell some to me? :sad:
  2. CookLikeJulia

    Burger King Bone-in BK(TM) Fire-Grilled Ribs REVIEW.....

    I was really wanting to try them, thanks for the info. Maybe, its better to ask my friend who work in one of the BK outlet and bring one for me to taste it. :)
  3. CookLikeJulia

    Name that food...

    Is this a pasta recipe? Arabiatta?
  4. CookLikeJulia

    Using a paving stone as a pizza/baking stone

    Never tried to use a paving stone, anyway, thanks for some info regarding the use of this paving stone and maybe, I still need more idea for food safety about this paving. :)
  5. CookLikeJulia

    pairings section

    Good Idea! But, it would be better to search in the google or sometime we get idea from fine dining restaurant or in hotels. :)
  6. CookLikeJulia

    Need A TNT Recipe For ABTs

    I have never tried those TNT or ABT. Well, Thanks for the information. I'll try these dish if I will jump and slap my mama. :)
  7. CookLikeJulia

    Some of my work

    Nice tasty dish. Could you give us the detailed ingredients and procedures of your work? Best regards and keep us update on your new recipes.:chef:
  8. CookLikeJulia

    What is a substitute for Baking Powder

    I don't think that there is an alternative for baking soda, what i know is the baking soda is the softener of the dough so. If there is no baking soda. It won't be soft as the cake or it will never be a cake. Just my idea. :)
  9. CookLikeJulia

    Chicken and Dumplings without Chicken Stock

    I agree with it. I use a natural chicken stock by removing all the bones in the chicken and boil it. The water that was used in the chicken bones will the the chicken stock. Does anyone have the idea of this? :)
  10. CookLikeJulia

    Plaza Geribaldi (Mexican Resturaunt)

    I love restaurant hopping and also love tacos. I will try to visit it someday.. :)
  11. CookLikeJulia

    Refrigerate homemade biscuits?

    It depends on how people prefer to eat biscuits. Some like it cold some like it the way biscuit is bought from the store. Why not try to refrigerate some? :)
  12. CookLikeJulia

    Beef Bones

    If it's been refrigerated only, it depends on how much temp your refrigerator is. If it is from the range of 7 - 10 degree centigrade. It will last only for 4 - 6 days. :)
  13. CookLikeJulia

    BigD's Garden

    WTG BigD! If I had the size of your garden I will also do that.. :) :) :)
  14. CookLikeJulia

    Saving Seeds

    I haven't tried that method. If it will work, then I will do it also. Please update us on the progress of your plants. :)
  15. CookLikeJulia

    Growing grapes

    Thanks for the tips, I love to try planting grapes. :)
  16. CookLikeJulia

    Beer as an ingredient in a recipe

    Me and my hubby went out last night with some friends and I ordered a Mac and Cheese pasta with beer-infused cream...and I love it. To be honest that's the first time that I have tried a pasta with beer in it. It tasted soo good I couldn't get it off my head. And I would like to know if you have...
  17. CookLikeJulia

    Best place in Las Vegas

    You are absolutely right! He already taught me how to play the card game. We usually practice with the online poker games in facebook where we could play against other facebook users. And it is really fun. We went to the wedding venue the other day and it is sooo beautiful. The owner of the...
  18. CookLikeJulia

    Best place in Las Vegas

    My hubby mentioned Rio to be a great placed to stay at as well, so I'll include that. He was at Vegas last year with his friends but they weren't able to really visit some of the beautiful places because their main reason of going there is to play poker..and he love Bellagio -- good thing he...
  19. CookLikeJulia

    Could I have food poisoning?

    That is my question too since he hasn't replied to his post anyway... Eating a 2 day old egg sandwich or some sort of isn't a very good idea...I wish he's okay even after doing that.
  20. CookLikeJulia

    Outrageous Restaurant Portions ...WhoWhereWhy?

    I am not a big eater myself so I always have leftovers every time we eat at any restaurant. We often visit PeiWei and I always leave the restaurant very full and with leftovers.
  21. CookLikeJulia

    Cooking oil sprays

    We do have Pam oil spray at home but it's just a regular oil. I haven't tried other spray oils like the olive oil. Is it good?
  22. CookLikeJulia

    Who is the pickiest person you'd ever have to cook for?

    I can actually relate to you when it comes to the sanitation thing. Although he's not as picky as your stepmother is, my hubby does not use metal utensils or any flatware. He only use plastic fork or spoon. And it's true, his reason is because of sanitation. I always tell him that we can wash...
  23. CookLikeJulia

    Butchers/Butcher sites?

    Do you know some butcher place or site here in Salt Lake City? I am looking for some pork belly but they don't sell it here in the market so I need a butcher or some place where I could get them...
  24. CookLikeJulia

    Best thing you ever ate?

    Wow this is a tough question. It's very hard to choose, but I think it was this beef dish that was served during my cousin's wedding in one of the finest hotels in the was so tender I feel like I was in heaven. And the sauce, man it was so good. I will never forget that. No wonder it's...
  25. CookLikeJulia

    Best place in Las Vegas

    I am like a kid, taking down notes! :lol: Thank you so much spork, I will look into these..I'm excited! Yeah they do...but I am thinking of moving our honeymoon because our wedding is around August and it's already peek season so it'll probably be expensive...but I will still check them out.
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