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  1. CookLikeJulia

    PA - Pittsburgh ... regional food suggestions?

    Wow i like that chicken and homemade egg noodles my aunte did that too! but dont know if were same way of taste and cooking ..
  2. CookLikeJulia

    Fast Food on the Road

    Hi it so amazing why there is no fastfood in you place . Here in our place the most boom is the fast food. Fast food is good specially those busy person dont have time to cook for thier meals so they can easy go to fast food .
  3. CookLikeJulia

    Beef strips

    I have an Idea about beef too . this is very delicious it is beef steak . In a glass mixing bowl, mix kalamansi or lemon juice and soy sauce. Add beef, garlic and ground pepper. Mix well. Let sit in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Heat a heavy skillet. Add oil. Lightly fry the...
  4. CookLikeJulia

    If you don't enjoy gardening, is it worth it?

    Hi mmh sound so fun of gardening huh well very nice habit which i cant apply but i what i have known gardening activities potentially provide an outlet for enhanced physical and emotional well-being. Increased physical activity can reduce the risk of some cancers, Type 2 diabetes, heart...
  5. CookLikeJulia

    Fast Food on the Road

    Hi fast foods are easily obtained and plentiful, and usually inexpensive with 99-cent meals being widely available. But they are very unhealthy with high amounts of calories, saturated fats, salt, etc. They are also lacking in needed food groups like vegetables and fruits. They also lack...
  6. CookLikeJulia

    PA - Pittsburgh ... regional food suggestions?

    yeah thats great grass, delicious chicken is my mom specialty too ...chicken soup .. Im Hungry now . hehe
  7. CookLikeJulia

    How about a cookbook category?

    Yeah your right vag , internet recipe is so easy to find out you can do it faster , you can less your effort finding recipe books in store .
  8. CookLikeJulia

    If you don't enjoy gardening, is it worth it?

    Yeah i also agreed that idea, were also did that since our home dont have enough space for us to have a garden , so what we did is putting a herb in pot.
  9. CookLikeJulia

    Happy Thanksgiving All

    Wow , I appreciate your post picture of the kitchen . ________ Cleanliness is next to God
  10. CookLikeJulia

    Limit the quotes

    Hey what if we would like to share more ? and we have a long explanation ?
  11. CookLikeJulia

    What's the last movie you watched?

    Nice movie , but did you see avatar ? it is very nice .
  12. CookLikeJulia

    What's been happening in my life (Beth's Story)

    mmmh life is not an easy way , were the one who can manage about this ..we must learn to go with the flow and ride we the tide .
  13. CookLikeJulia

    Young Blood

    yeah your really true.... you must go with the flow otherwise you cant survive of what life brings you .
  14. CookLikeJulia

    If you don't enjoy gardening, is it worth it?

    gardening habit is the best , not just you can eat or consume food through you garden but it also benefits to those who are fun of gardening ... to the women who had a age of 30 plus this activity can really help you , it will straighten your hips and help prevent scoliosis .
  15. CookLikeJulia

    Forum from smart phone

    By the way is there a forums using phone what kind of phone applicable to that can you suggest me ? and how to do . what are the tips ? ty
  16. CookLikeJulia

    Limit the quotes

    There is a topic that we need to have a long answer . I fun of doing that .. I just to share what i have learn and read from some article you! I love reading book specially bio so maybe i can share what i learned in a long phrase ..heheh
  17. CookLikeJulia

    Leftover Pork Roast Recipes

    Yeah you can ... it is good food ..i love eating that ...
  18. CookLikeJulia

    Ethnic Diets?

    The Hay diet encourages you to separate protein from carbohydrate, while the Chinese "Ying & Yang" diet encourages balanced eating. Can you describe any special diets which are followed in your country?
  19. CookLikeJulia

    Vegetarian diet?

    Do you think you can get all the nourishment you need from a vegetarian diet? Would you be happy to eat a vegetarian diet for a week?
  20. CookLikeJulia

    Genetically modified food?

    Are you for or against genetically modified food?
  21. CookLikeJulia

    Sausage types?

    Thanks Andy and JamesS.. well explain..
  22. CookLikeJulia

    Notice: Site Maintenance Tonight

    Thank you for the heads up... continue cleaning spams!...:)
  23. CookLikeJulia

    To Diet Or To Lifestyle

    Mmmmh ... Although it is hard to start and maintain a healthy diet, nothing is impossible if you really want to achieve a healthy mind and body .And we can combine healthy diet with you lifestyle . Experts say that though basic principle of healthy diet is simple, most people are having a hard...
  24. CookLikeJulia

    How to reduce FRECKLES in natural ways? Advice needed.

    Hi i have search this kind of remedy for freckles because my i need to apply this to my mom and i also share it to you ! Just try with this , it is very simple and no chemical reaction takes place because it is normal or natural . Treat your facial freckles to a mask of honey and lemon juice...
  25. CookLikeJulia

    Healthy meals that kids love???

    Most kids love eating fast food. Aside from chowing down on burgers, fries, and pizza, they are also drawn to the appeal of establishments that have mascots, playrooms, and free combo-meal toys. But parents have to set a limit, As what i have read some article they said that : By eating too...
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