"Z" Model Trains & SpreadSheets

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Feb 16, 2013
Waterdown, Ontario
Was wondering if anyone here could guide me thru posting an Excel SpreadSheet on Facebook.
I know it's weird question, but I don't know where else to go. I haven't even figured out how to send a private message to one of the Mods on a group I joined there!
I'm trying to sell a huge collection of trains I inherited from my brother. Facebook seems to be the only group dedicated to that size train.

did I mention I intensely dislike facebook? :cautious:
are facebook and google connected? Someone mentioned that one could use a 'google spreadsheet'?? My brain hurts.
I would print it as a PDF. Not everyone has Excel or a reader. Besides that, values can be changed if you post an Excel doc, but they can't with PDFs if you chose that option when printing. Have you researched prices? Check EBay and see how much things are going for at end of auction.

It looks like there are lots of groups on Facebook for Z scale.
I would print it as a PDF. Not everyone has Excel or a reader. Besides that, values can be changed if you post an Excel doc, but they can't with PDFs if you chose that option when printing. Have you researched prices? Check EBay and see how much things are going for at end of auction.

It looks like there are lots of groups on Facebook for Z scale.
I was going to suggest saving it as a PDF or taking a screenshot. I think the PDF idea is better.
We did find lots of groups and we chose one that had a dedicated Buy & Sell group.
It was suggested to go on line (start with ebay) to see what they are selling for now.
I went thru every single z gauge and found only 10 to match anything on my list.
I have 322 items....

I can't flip back and forth between tabs, far too easy to lose what you have, where you are, etc. So I printed them out. 6 pages of cars and 2 pages of engines.

And that doesn't even cover accessories - there is even a round house, other buildings, tiny cars and trucks, people, tracks, couplings, etc, etc. Which I do NOT have catalogued.
I would make groups out of the little things, like people and cars or trucks, tracks and couplings, groupings that go together and make sense. Once you make a group and post, that's what's for sale, no changes! People will drive you crazy otherwise. Keep the groups small so prices can be reasonable. That way, if somebody wants something from 1 group and something from another group or 2, then they will buy 2 or 3 groups to get the 1 or 2 things from each group they really want. Trust me on this, train people have OCD to a certain extent. Check train seller websites for ideas on pricing the little stuff.

Price shipping so that you can send with tracking/delivery confirmation so you will have proof of delivery AND package weight so somebody can't claim they never got it and/or you sent them an empty box. If it's a big money transaction, buy insurance on the package in case it goes missing.

Don't know if you remember, but I'm into dollhouse minis for adults. I've mostly bought for years, though have done some selling as well. Dollhouse people aren't as rabid as a lot of train people are, but the same mentality is there, especially when they are into the finer dollhouse furnishings, as I am. If I see a piece I really, really want, I have to decide on the top dollar amount I'm willing to spend and not bid on it until the last minutes. Otherwise, I'll talk myself into going higher if I have time to think about it and I really, really want it.

Somebody may offer to buy the whole group from you for a lower than market value. I'd check the value on all the engines and cabooses as best you can, especially the engines, as they are going to be the things that hold the most value. Come up with a figure you can live with, taking into account all the time you'll be spending on this, including packing and going to post office, and STICK with that figure when negotiating. Do this before you get an offer so you don't get stars in your eyes and do something you'll regret later.
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They have train stuff on Etsy as well, but a lot of people that sell non handcrafted stuff also sell on EBay.
medtran, I've been staring at this stuff for over 10 years. I made those spread sheets with my brother - correction - he took all the pictures of each individual car, train, etc, and I sat at catalogued them.
I've gone back over the pictures and as said, it was in 2014, the pictures aren't that great.
Don't worry about shipping, packaging, etc. My son does CD's and Records and ships all over the world. He's the one badgering me to get a move on. LOL

The small stuff will be easy to lump together, I mean the accessories. The train cars can be sold in groups too. Looking back at the prices I saw 10 years ago - they've actually gone up! Well, some have. ;)
Engines are different those prices range from $100 to $600 for certain pristine collector sets. I have a couple of sets, how pristine? don't know, but are all still in original boxes.

But here's the thing, all the boxes are in storage and as you know, no one is going to buy unless you can tell them shipping $. Those little engines which can sit on your finger are plenty heavy!
Z scale on the rails.jpg
Z scale train.jpg
Z train car.jpg

Just to give perspective.
At my brother's Celebration of Life we took one of his trains that was in an actual carry suitcase and put it inside my sons coffee table along with some other parapenalia. We had even hooked up and ran around til 'someone' made it take a corner too fast, it jumped the rails and took out the other train. LOL

Buyers are going to want clear pictures, especially of the more expensive stuff. You are just going to have to decide to get it done.

Rename the photos as you take them to go along with the spreadsheet and put groupings in a plastic bag and label as you photograph them.

You know your son wants you to do it so he won't have to when the time comes, right? :brows:
I know that without a shadow of doubt! :ROFLMAO:

Nor do I want him to have to deal with all the rest of my junk.... it will slowly disappear I guess, but it's hard to watch your life memories slide out the door.

I've been bugging my ex to make sure the stuff he has of "ours" is clearly taken care of for the kids.

I hope to head to the warehouse tomorrow. I hope I won't be overwhelmed when I open that door! I hope I will find the right boxes right in the front.

If you don't hear from me in the next 24 hours, please send out the rescue squad.

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