63 cents car tax...the rest of the story! ;-)

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Katie H

Site Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
I live in the Heartland of the United States
In spite of it being chilling cold, we had sunshine. I set out with a positive attitude to deliver my princely sum to the tax office.

Was greeted by a young clerk. She admitted she had a three-year-old daughter so apparently she hadn't been hardened by the "system. Had a sweet smile.

Handed over my tax notice, along with my proof of insurance. Then, she said....."That will be 63 cents." I dutifully handed over my snack bag with the correct amount of pennies.

"Great," says she. "I needed some change and calmly counted my 63 copper discs and confirmed I'd provided the correct amount of payment. Printed a receipt and I was good to go.

And another 63-cent year ends!

See ya next year!
What state does this? Car tax? And why 63 cents? What if you don't pay it, what happens?
@blissful Katie lives in KY, but MA does the same thing. Here it's called a Personal Property Tax; the funds go directly to the town rather than be distributed through state formulas. Our tax is calculated as a descending percentage of the original price over a five year period. However, it never gets lower than the fifth and final year. Himself's 2008 Mercury Milan is somewhere in the teens; my newer Santa Fe is more. FWIW, our car plates cost way less than we paid in OH where there was no car tax.
What state does this? Car tax? And why 63 cents? What if you don't pay it, what happens?
It's Kentucky. The tax is based on the value of the vehicle. Since this one is considered "historical," it has little value. Not sure what would happen if we didn't pay it. Might probably cost us more than 63 cents to defend ourselves. Catch 22, yes?!
What state does this? Car tax? And why 63 cents? What if you don't pay it, what happens?
Here in SC they tax property like house and cars. Its based on the value of those things.
We pay a sales tax when we buy things like vehicles and then we pay a yearly tax on them as well. Its double taxation IMO.
We also pay state taxes and we have some of the worst roads in the country. Lots of taxation in SC. And there is little improvement in services and infrastructure.
But. I would never return to my home state of florida. I would never spend one penny in florida either. We used to vacation there but have stopped going.
My home state has become the rectum of our country.
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