I'd like recommendations for good powdered eggs

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Head Chef
Dec 5, 2018
Columbus, Ohio
With high egg prices and possible shortages coming, etc., I'm looking to buy some powdered eggs to have on hand, just in case.

Do any of you buy powdered eggs and could you recommend a good brand with good flavor that doesn't cost an arm and a leg? I'm looking mostly for eggs that can be eaten as-is (mixed with water and scrambled) but perhaps also a brand that can be used in cooking.
I would never use them as an omelette, but I have used them in baked goods, just to have for convenience. But they weren't saving me money - raw eggs were cheaper, and I'm sure it would still be that way.
I would never use them as an omelette, but I have used them in baked goods, just to have for convenience. But they weren't saving me money - raw eggs were cheaper, and I'm sure it would still be that way.
Yes, I'd much rather have raw eggs as well. But I'm thinking about all this talk of egg shortages and food shortages and that kind of thing. It's just something I think I'd like to have on hand, kind of like having powdered milk on hand, just in case we have times of emergency and fresh eggs aren't available.
To me, I’ll go without eggs rather than used powdered.

The same for milk. Powdered milk is terrible stuff, IMO.

That said, King Arthur flour sells quality ingredients. You may be able to get powdered eggs from them. They won’t be cheap, though.
To me, I’ll go without eggs rather than used powdered.

The same for milk. Powdered milk is terrible stuff, IMO.

That said, King Arthur flour sells quality ingredients. You may be able to get powdered eggs from them. They won’t be cheap, though.
I agree, powdered milk is not very pleasant, if you drink it on its own. My grandma, who lived through the Great Depression, always made pitchers of powdered milk that she kept in her fridge and would serve it with cookies, and also with meals, to my sister and I anytime we would visit. We drank it without complaining (you didn't dare complain about anything my grandma would sit in front of you) because we knew we'd get "real" milk at home.

I'll look into the King Arthur brand. Thanks for the suggestion.
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