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      wulfy42 replied to the thread Soup Ideas?.
      Omg I love that song by blue oyster cult. It's great everywhere (including in my playlist) but my favorite was when it was used as the...
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      wulfy42 replied to the thread Soup Ideas?.
      Omg, beef barley soup is one of my favorites:) I have not made it in awhile as I seem to go through soup periods where I make soup and...
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      wulfy42 replied to the thread Dried Soup Mixes.
      I rarely use them for actually making soup (They can be useful for pot roasts etc though). That being said I can recommend Alessi soup...
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      wulfy42 posted the thread Soup Ideas? in Soups.
      Hi everyone. I am new to this website. I recently got back into making soups (which I have done off and on throughout my life). Never...
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