Recent content by tkbiker_68

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  1. tkbiker_68

    Water holding tank smoker

    Well....... im TOSSING around an idea about making this tank a cold smoker..... Ive talked with alot of people and one of the things i will be smoking alot of is salmon.....? and they way i unerstand it cold smoking is the way to go with fish.?? any truth to this? My back yard is flat until the...
  2. tkbiker_68


    That looks GREAT! makin me hungry!
  3. tkbiker_68

    A few pics of one of my cookers

    Very the meat cleaver handle also!
  4. tkbiker_68

    Water holding tank smoker

    Workin on building a smoker , building a vertical out of a water holding tank about 4' tall. Have not cut anything yet trying to get all of my facts straight before i go and ruin something! Open to any ideas u might have on what i should do and what i should not do with it. Would like some...
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