Recent content by TexCin

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. T

    A game we all can play!

    Yukon Salsa or Queso?
  2. T

    I want to purchase a new food processor!

    Ok, I know I only need about an 11-12 cup. Maybe years ago I needed the larger, but not anymore. I still love to cook and bake, but not in as large quantities as I did. Just quality. Next question. Where's the best "store" to go check out the different models. I like to touch, see , and...
  3. T

    I want to purchase a new food processor!

    Corey, thanks for the info. It looks like a lot of people recommend Kitchenaid. I really didn't want 16 cups. How bout a little bit smaller one. Any recommendation? 11-14 cups? Devora, No, I'm fortunate all right. My old processor was about 30 years old and worn out. My husband is going...
  4. T

    I want to purchase a new food processor!

    For some reason I could not get the old thread to open on this subject. I need to know what's the best one out there. I'm hearing that Cuisinart has some of the best. Thanks
  5. T

    Baked sliced apples

    Thanks. It sounds like them. I sure didn't think it had bacon drippings though. Think I'll use the butter. This is an awesome board.
  6. T

    Baked sliced apples

    I love the baked sliced apples from Cracker Barrel. Anyone have a recipe?
  7. T

    Hoppin John Soup (in a jar)

    Thanks QS. It's a little different. I've seen quite a few recipes, but none like the one I had. I may have to "invent" my own! :smile:
  8. T

    Hoppin John Soup (in a jar)

    I bought This Hoppin John Soup (in a jar) from a church festival. I made it yesterday. It was so good. I'd love the recipe. In the jar was dried black-eyed peas and a packet of the minute rice, plus a little seasoning pouch. These were all handmade. Then there were instructions and you were to...
  9. T

    Happy Birthday, Texcin!!

    Thanks Y'all!!!!!:mrgreen:
  10. T

    My sweet dog Kasey died today.

    Texas, Since your mom went through it too, that's makes it even harder on you. I'm glad you know how to check for it now. My dogs love for me to rub their tummies anyway. Now I just check everything while I'm there. We were lucky that they found hers while it was so small. I don't know if I...
  11. T

    My sweet dog Kasey died today.

    Hey Texas! I am so heartbroken for you. Kasey looks like such a sweet dog. I have an australian shepherd. They are such "lovers". And you're right, they never complain. My Cassie had a "growth" on her behind, so we took her to A & M to see what they could do. That turned out to just be a benign...
  12. T

    Hot Fudge Pudding Cake

    Oh my gosh. This looks so good. Thanks!
  13. T

    Fudge Cake

    Marmalady, Thanks! That looks so good.
  14. T

    Fudge Cake

    Looking for a good recipe for Fudge Cake. Deep chocolate, very moist. Anyone?
  15. T

    ISO: Cheesecake-Praline Fudge Recipe

    I sampled some of this fudge at the Nutcracker Market in Houston, texas. They had probably 10 different kinds of fudge. This one was awesome. It was like a white cheesecake fudge on the outside and the praline fudge on the inside. Any ideas?
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