Recent content by Raven

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  1. Raven

    German Bert and Ernie!

    ROTFL!!! The telephone one is SICK!! (if you can understand Deutsch that is :D) LOLOLOLOL!!!! ~ Raven ~
  2. Raven

    What Is Your Name?

    It gets even worse when you have to remember both your name AND your password. :D ~ Raven ~
  3. Raven

    Ruh Roh! Gardening Help Please!

    My general rule of thumb is find out what the Average Date of Last Frost is for your zone and add exactly 1 week. In my zone, that date of last frost + 1 week = average date when night-time temperatures remain above 55ºf which is the reccomended minimum for Tomatoes and Peppers. :) Once I can...
  4. Raven

    Vintage Photo Object, What Is It?

    LOL! It's the butt end of a radiator. :D Notice the distance from the table to the wall (1) as well as the distance from the chair to the wall (3). Now notice that the chair is slightly behind the table (2). I have shown this layout here and marked the Radiator (A), Table (B) and Chair...
  5. Raven

    A little prayer, please?

    We will keep them both in our prayers along with your family. ~ Raven ~
  6. Raven

    Why I Love Red Heads

    Well, since we're confessing, when I first saw The Parent Trap as a boy I fell fast in love with Haley Mills. (and later Lynn Redgrave). Though Haley Mills never had red-hair (that I can remember) I too am a sucker for natural redheads, ESPECIALLY if they have a British accent. :wub: :wub...
  7. Raven

    Daylight saving time (light-hearted humor)

    Even though I have the auto-adjust and DST turned off, my DVD recorder refuses to recognize the new time. It keeps setting it's-self despite the fact that it's been told specifically not to. So now it still think's it's 5:00 am when everything else say's 6:00am, so I had to change the SCHEDULE...
  8. Raven

    The TRAVELING APRON has ended.

    You mean this one? :mrgreen: ~ Raven ~
  9. Raven

    Can you name the 50 states in 10 minutes?

    I DID IT!!! I named all 50 states in 10 minutes. I named Alaska "Fluffy" I named Alabama "Boo" I named Arkansas "Rascle" :mrgreen: ~ Raven ~ P.S. Actually, there are only two states that I'm intimately familiar with. Intoxication and Confusion. :mrgreen:
  10. Raven

    What's the last movie you watched?

    In the theater, the first "Scary Movie" At home, my wife and I watched "Outbreak" last night on TNT ~ Raven ~
  11. Raven

    The TRAVELING APRON has ended.

    Hey TCG!! Did we come in on the same cat? :mrgreen: I was just reading the thread. Sorry to hear about the apron, that's bites. This was actually one of the reasons I dropped my name from the original list because at the time we were having SOOOO much trouble getting packages from our post...
  12. Raven

    Your brain smells terrific (Trivia)

    Meat? ~ Raven ~
  13. Raven

    Unusual Signs & Titles

    LOL! Don't feel bad Stir, I do the same thing. I got a post on Freecycle the other day that read "Offer: Single Cup Coffee Maker" and my first thought was "I guess her husband is too selfish to make coffee for anyone but himself so she freecycled him" :D ~ Raven ~
  14. Raven

    Does anyone here use Vonage?

    Isn't it funny that we used to use our phone lines to connect to the internet. Now we're using the internet to replace phone lines. ~ Raven ~
  15. Raven


    Glückliches neues Jahr von Little Rock Arkansas ~ Raven ~
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