Recent content by patch

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  1. Cooking


    Just a few of the dishes we have cooked.
  2. patch

    Anyone here use ghee?

    I used to clarify my own butter and use it. However these days I wouldn't use much more than 500g of butter in a whole year. Medical son recently mentioned India was a cardiologist's paradise thanks to ghee.
  3. patch

    Smoking shrimp

    Glad it worked well for you. My husband is with you on the salsa - he always likes a bit more heat than I add. I don't have an asbestos mouth though I like the after-effects of a good jolt of heat once my mouth returns to normal.
  4. patch

    Your local food products

    Moreton Bay bugs and prawns (that's them in the picture, ready to go), blue swimmer crabs, oysters, wine, cheese, wine, pickles and sauces, wine, some smoked trout pate, oh, did I mention wine? bugs.jpg
  5. patch

    Whats cookin? 5/21

    Going out for a degustation dinner tonight, but I'm starting early for tomorrow's dinner of lamb shanks in orange and sage sauce (recipe here Lamb shanks always seem better if they're cooked then refrigerated overnight. Plus you can skim off...
  6. patch

    Last thing that made you smile?

    This clip of the man who went into the BBC last week for a job interview and was mistakenly put on camera as a "computer expert". Just watch his face when it dawns on him - and see how he valiantly tries to oblige the interviewer with a comment. Reality TV!! Not only did I smile, I darn well...
  7. patch

    Food you LOVED as a child but Hate now

    Tripe and onions with mashed potatoes and a slosh of malt vinegar. My husband and sons would never eat it, so I made it when no one else was at home. But one day I came to the conclusion it tasted like wallpaper paste (well, actually like I imagine wallpaper paste might taste) and I decided it...
  8. patch

    Smoking shrimp

    Smoking Shrimp There's an illustrated recipe on my website for Smoked Prawns (that's what we call your "shrimp") with a mango salsa, which I wrote for my newspaper column a couple of years back. It's at and it's easy enough to make...
  9. patch


    You're not using fabric softener, are you? A good hot wash should help remove any "dressing" in the fabric.
  10. patch


    I hope you have as much success as I did this past summer Down Under. I bought six rather spindly looking cherry tomato plants from the local market, put one in a pot and the others in the garden. They ended up growing about six feet tall and attaching themselves to the wire grid on the wall...
  11. patch

    Happy Mothers Day

    Had a great day. Didn't have to cook a thing. Went out for brunch and dinner. Elder son gave me a great book - Curry: A Biography of a Dish, by Lizzie Collingham. Other son gave me some tulips growing in a pot. First Mother's Day I've had in a long while with one of my own kids!
  12. patch

    Word Association Game

    spa - bath
  13. patch

    Favorite Pizza Toppings

    I like trad, too. And chuck in some anchovies. I hate pineapple, smoked chicken, camembert, Thai chicken with sweet chilli sauce and anything else un-italian.
  14. patch

    LEAST liked Herbs

    Took me a while to acquire a taste for Vietnamese mint. But I love caraway. Did any of you northerners have seed cake when you were growing up? A madeira cake with caraway seeds in it. I was crazy about it. And I love cheese spiked with caraway. There is a chunk in my fridge as we speak... And...
  15. patch

    What song are you listening to right now?

    Don't ever pass up a chance to hear a live performance of this one. It's a fantastic experience. Likewise the Gorecki 3rd Symphony (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs). Powerful music, both. But I am also into Metallica... :-)
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