Recent content by myrnaj

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  1. M

    cleaning question

    i reckon you can clean the inside with water just make sure that after you clean it, it get dried properly and take sometime before you use it just to be sure that it is actually dried and that you dont get electrocuted incase some parts got wet while cleaning, as long as it gets dried properly...
  2. M

    Shotgun Fred has passed

    this is such a sad news especially for us bbq fans becasue he had contributed a lot to us and has been sharing his knowledge to his people. i do hope that he is in a better place right now and that people will really remember him as a genius at this field.
  3. M

    Easter Dinner

    me and my family got together last Christmas and we are really big family so it was a challenge for me to cook something that everyone loves so i figured i could just do a home grill and some barbeque and chicken for the kids and some beef for the more older generation, i also grilled some...
  4. M

    First cook of the year Beef and Turkey

    this sounds like a great dinner! yummy! i have been grilling my food since i started avoiding too much fats from oils and i am really a big fan of grilling because it is healthier than the fried counterparts and more yummy too! keeps the flavor of the food, unlike steaming although that is i...
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