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    Meryl replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    I made the dessert but reduced the doses, for only 100g of plums. I'm sorry I forgot to take a photo, it turned out soupy/puddingy - a...
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    Meryl replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    How about Unless you get your car shipped over! 😃...
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    Meryl reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    I think that it counts as a road trip if you use the car for driving parts of the trip, even if you have to take it on a plane or ferry...
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    Meryl reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    Maybe my bad, you said we'd need to go by plane or sea. I took that to mean we could not call it a 'Road Trip'. I just figured as...
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    Today was 95F here, with a “feels like” of 105F
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    Meryl replied to the thread Song Title Game.
    Manic Monday - The Bangles
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    Meryl reacted to msmofet's post in the thread Song Title Game with Like Like.
    Carpenters - Rainy Days And Mondays
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    Meryl replied to the thread Eggplant Sandwich.
    I'm quite surprised at this because this veggie is normally so popular, widely-used and usually much loved because of the varieties of...
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    Meryl reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    Yes, my tree at the farm gave me a tons of plums one year, but so small!!! and I had to go thru them carefully as some beetle was...
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    Meryl replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    Yes, it would have been better to cut them in half or wedges, but they were too ripe and much too small to do that, unfortunately.
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    Meryl reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    "Pudding" can be virtually anything sweet in the UK. It is commonly used as the American term, "dessert." And as Pink Floyd made very...
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    Meryl reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    Meryl, how about if you left the plums just halved? Sort of like whole slices of pineapple upside down cake? But whether cut side down...
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    Meryl reacted to dragnlaw's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    Over the Arctic? LOL, hey taxy, ferries don't count as you're still driving the car on and off the ferry. :mrgreen:
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    Meryl reacted to GotGarlic's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    There was a time when Google Maps would give you a route over (or under?) the ocean if you put in a destination you couldn't drive to...
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    Meryl reacted to taxlady's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    That's what I figured. In Danish, grød would be a breakfast dish if it was havregrød (oatmeal) or byggrød (barley porridge) or...
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