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  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    My basil has not started to flower, yet. I clip the flowers off as soon as I see them, so the plant doesn't go to seed. My oregano and...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    As far as cooking goes, I do the same, I make jellies. Initially, I used to pick each berry and tried to avoid picking the stems, but...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart replied to the thread Eggs, getting eggs!.
    We had chickens for many years, until the raccoons got your last one, the kids moved out and my wife went vegan. Didn't need a few...
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  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    Your basil looks nice and healthy ( especially considering the heat you're getting down there). My base l is also potted. and doing...
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  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart reacted to caseydog's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    I planted my basil in a pot this year, and I keep it on the patio so I can easily water it a couple times a day on the 100F-plus days. I...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart reacted to pepperhead212's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    I picked 7 eggplants today, that Asian Delight the two plants the most from, so far, with a bunch more, all different sizes, and more...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart reacted to blissful's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    Mr bliss and I sprayed kaolin clay and the potassium bicarbonate today in a new sprayer. (the sprayer broke but not because of the...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    I use Pepper as my " what to expect in the next week or two" gauge". It's amazing how much of a difference there is in being 100 miles...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart reacted to blissful's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    @pepperhead212 @larry_stewart you guys are so far ahead of our gardens! Awesome. Today we counted 32 little bunches of grapes...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart replied to the thread Today's harvest.
    As far as garlic goes, I grow German white because I've had the most consistent success with this variety and a garlic farm about 30...
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  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart reacted to pepperhead212's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    I got the first ripening of several tomatoes today, the Pruden's Purple sort of surprised me. The Genuwine hybrid was the largest, so...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart reacted to blissful's post in the thread Today's harvest with Like Like.
    There's quite a crowd of people here that grow different kinds of garlic. I grow a hardneck russian red and live in Wisconsin, we have...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart reacted to rodentraiser's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    The irises were embedded in the clover, so that's why I didn't want to use anything on them. What I had was a 10'x6' plot of nothing but...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart replied to the thread Garden 2024.
    I had a neighbor across the street who used to complain about everyone trying to rid their lawns of clover, he said, and I quote him "...
  • larry_stewart
    larry_stewart reacted to rodentraiser's post in the thread Garden 2024 with Like Like.
    Guess what? The REAL carrots are now coming up. I have no idea what the other stuff was. Probably bird seed got in the bucket when I...
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