Recent content by JillyBean

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that enjoys cooking.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. JillyBean

    No cooking content, my cat

    My cats have all been adult rescues, and I bathed each one the day after they moved in my home. In all cases I needed only one person - I found that holding them down too tightly made them panic - and they seemed much more content once we were done, not to mention the other cats were more ready...
  2. JillyBean

    Chocolate Chip Cookies on TV

    Well I like the flat gooey cookies, almost undercooked, and DH likes the fat cake-like cookies. I just read a previous thread re: flat cookies and the advice was to chill the dough, but I know I've used a different recipe than the usual "Tollhouse" and the cookies came out fat and high. Now...
  3. JillyBean

    Name 3 things you have trouble cooking?

    1. Crisps or crumbles. My MIL and my mom have both tried to tell me how to do it. I've tried the recipes with flour and with oatmeal. I've tried using a pastry cutter, a food processor, and my hands. I've made only three successful crisps in the last three years. 2. Macaroni and cheese...
  4. JillyBean

    Too many condiments

    We make our own salad dressing when we need it, so that's a big chunk of space saved.
  5. JillyBean

    Ideas for outdoor 50th anniversary party

    Well that made me curious...what were folks eating in 1948? Not sure if this will help, if nothing else it's an interesting site. :smile: Retro Housewife - Favorite And Family Approved Recipes From The 1940s.
  6. JillyBean

    Your job

    I'm a six sigma business analyst. It's interesting, changes every day and I get to travel to some interesting places. The only drawback is that I sometimes over analyze how I'm doing something to the point where I'll change the drawers/furniture/cupboard contents around to improve the...
  7. JillyBean

    Hot Pepper Jelly

    I love pepper jelly, we make it every year and can it. Love it as a chicken dip or topping cream cheese on a cracker. Yum!
  8. JillyBean

    Send it back!

    I have no food allergies or special requirements so the only reason I'll send food back is if it's cooked badly or is inedible. The worst thing I've ever sent back was overcooked Ahi Tuna. I don't expect perfect food each and every time from the average $20/plate restaurant, I know everyone...
  9. JillyBean

    Redirected to last post

    It just started for me when I opened this maybe I just noticed it.
  10. JillyBean

    What do beets taste like?

    DH says yes, they taste like dirt. I love them, they taste like beets to me <shrug>.:wink:
  11. JillyBean

    Salmon fillet. How should I cook it?

    You're right! That picture was taken before the thing was sealed and put in the oven. I didn't take a picture of it after because...well...because we were drinking wine and I'm a cheap date and by the time 20 minutes had gone by I'd forgotten about taking a post-cooking picture. :rolleyes:
  12. JillyBean

    Salmon fillet. How should I cook it?

    I just tried a salmon fillet "en papillot", and it was delicious! Salmon filet with butter, lemon, salt, pepper, fresh dill from the garden, pepper flakes, a bit of olive oil on the bottom, wrapped up in kitchen parchment paper. In the oven for 20 mins at 375 and everything's steamed and buttery.
  13. JillyBean

    Sunday 29th June, what's for dinner?

    We're going to have mustard & pepper crusted grilled sirloin, basmati glazed carrots and asparagus, and I haven't decided - corn on the cob or baked potatoes.
  14. JillyBean

    What are you baking today?

    I LOVE your house!
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