Recent content by jennyp19

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  1. J

    Using an Aerogarden

    Thank you very much for that BreezyCooking, that's just the sort of info I needed. That's definately put the tin hat on that idea.
  2. J

    What Do You Make and Freeze

    I freeze just about everything. I always cook more than I need, and freeze in tubs. The last couple of things were some tomatoes that I "roasted" in the oven, sprinkled with a bit of sea salt, pepper and a teaspoon of sugar. I freeze them in bags, quite flat, so that when I want to use them I...
  3. J

    Using an Aerogarden

    These aerogardens are just appearing over here ~ I really would like one, and am hoping that the family club together and buy me one for Mothers Day, which over here is on 2nd March. Have any of you tried them out properly yet, as they certainly are expensive. Fresh herbs are very expensive in...
  4. J

    Hi I'm new and have just spent far too much time ...

    I already am :lol: I love reading about food, and different angles on stuff.
  5. J

    Hi I'm new and have just spent far too much time ...

    Thanks again for the welcome, I can see me spending a lot of time on this site.
  6. J

    Hi I'm new and have just spent far too much time ...

    Brilliant, I have just been reading some more, and now am extremely hungery ~ so have eat ~ but I'll be back.
  7. J

    Size of sugar grain (powder vs granulated): does it really matter?

    If you have one of the Magic Bullet things, you can make caster sugar from Granulated sugar, saves having to buy both.
  8. J

    Hi I'm new and have just spent far too much time ...

    This site is great, first welcome from US, and then from Australia ~ talk about global
  9. J

    Hi I'm new and have just spent far too much time ...

    Thanks for the quick welcome
  10. J

    Hi I'm new and have just spent far too much time ...

    reading loads of stuff on this site. I'm from Sconthorpe, (I hate it when the middle bit of out town gets deleted because its supposedly a rude word so change the "o" to a "u", and that is where I am). Hate housework, love cooking and spending time on the computer. My magic ingredient is...
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