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  • J
    Jackamus replied to the thread Ice cream making.
    Thank you for the recipe and I will have a go at it. Can I assume that once the custard is made then I can add any flavors I choose? I...
  • J
    Jackamus replied to the thread Ice cream making.
    Thank you for the temperature advice. I'm a beginner at making ice cream so I just followed a recipe I found in a book about ice cream...
  • J
    Jackamus replied to the thread Ice cream making.
    Thank you for your speedy response and explanation. In my case it was definitely cooking too long! I'll be more careful next time.
  • J
    I started to make some ice cream using full cream milk, egg yolks, cornflour and sugar. I just about got to the point where it was...
    • Curdled 1.jpg
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